I get a call from one of the shift supervisors today asking if I'll come into work tonight. Of course it being Saturday my kneejerk reaction is "No... not just 'no' but 'HELL no!'" Saturday's are the only day I have for just ME. No obligations or commitments other than just doing whatever I want to do. Then I realize if I don't do it there isn't anyone else not working tonight already who can... or will. So I'm going in.
Side subject. I think there is a fine line of tension building in my little circle of friends. I can just feel it. Like one of those bad feelings that something truly nasty is just around the corner. There is a lot of drama going on, which I am proud to say, I have NOTHING to do with. Feelings are getting hurt, peoples opinions are being disregarded and bunch of other piddly bullshit. All I got to say is when it all goes to hell... you are NOT coming to live with me.
Side subject. I think there is a fine line of tension building in my little circle of friends. I can just feel it. Like one of those bad feelings that something truly nasty is just around the corner. There is a lot of drama going on, which I am proud to say, I have NOTHING to do with. Feelings are getting hurt, peoples opinions are being disregarded and bunch of other piddly bullshit. All I got to say is when it all goes to hell... you are NOT coming to live with me.

i sorry

I'm confused. Blah.