Haven't been posting as much as usual. Sorry about that guys. Just been reveling in my depression. You know the kind where shit just isn't going right and you find yourself with teared up eyes when you're alone because sometimes you just hurt.
Yeah it's been like that for a little while now. I don't like having my friends see me cry or even know that I do. It's not a macho thing it's just the way I am. I'm the shoulder to lean on.... not the other way around.
And yeah I know I have rl friends that read this and I ask them now to just not confront mewith it. If I want a shoulder bad enough, I'll come to you.
Love you guys....
Yeah it's been like that for a little while now. I don't like having my friends see me cry or even know that I do. It's not a macho thing it's just the way I am. I'm the shoulder to lean on.... not the other way around.
And yeah I know I have rl friends that read this and I ask them now to just not confront mewith it. If I want a shoulder bad enough, I'll come to you.
Love you guys....

yeah, i'm not big on almost getting killed in real time... i much prefer (wow that's bad grammer even for dyslexia) the menu based action of the traditional japanese RPG.
viva la old skool!
tofu "