So. I graduated. Yay me! I now have a Master of Public Health. I'm currently in job search hell. Apparently, positions that would need an MPH are a bit rarer than I thought, and I have no desire to move.
I was speaking with an ex-SG hopeful the other day about entering the "real" work force, and about the potential of my "past' as a model getting out at work. She advised that I try to start erasing my naked internet presence as much as possible. Unlike her, however, I've been featured on numerous fetish sites from bondage to other weird stuff, and I don't own the content. I could make my profile here inactive, take down my ModelMayhem, and take down my zivity sets, but that's pretty much all I have control over.
What is your opinion, oh SG land? How much would it really matter that I'm no longer active on any websites if/when it is discovered that I participated in the world of the pr0ns? How proactively should I be at trying to take down my material. Is the cat already out of the bag, so to speak?
I've had a good 5 year run in the world of modeling (and on SG!), and I think I've come to that inevitable point where I don't exactly regret anything I've done, but I also don't wish to deal with the social fallout of it being discovered in my work place.
When you are naked on the internet, how likely is it going to be that you are one day found out by your coworkers? I think with today's face recognition technology, among other things, that it is highly likely. With that being said, then does it really matter if I take down my profiles on sites like SG and zivitiy? I don't frequent either one anymore, but I am proud of the work I've done, and I enjoy the community aspects of the sites.
I'm not sure what I'll do right now, but I'll mull over any input if you guys feel so inclined to throw in your two cents.
In other news, I made a pretty bitching Black Widow at Megacon.

I was speaking with an ex-SG hopeful the other day about entering the "real" work force, and about the potential of my "past' as a model getting out at work. She advised that I try to start erasing my naked internet presence as much as possible. Unlike her, however, I've been featured on numerous fetish sites from bondage to other weird stuff, and I don't own the content. I could make my profile here inactive, take down my ModelMayhem, and take down my zivity sets, but that's pretty much all I have control over.
What is your opinion, oh SG land? How much would it really matter that I'm no longer active on any websites if/when it is discovered that I participated in the world of the pr0ns? How proactively should I be at trying to take down my material. Is the cat already out of the bag, so to speak?
I've had a good 5 year run in the world of modeling (and on SG!), and I think I've come to that inevitable point where I don't exactly regret anything I've done, but I also don't wish to deal with the social fallout of it being discovered in my work place.
When you are naked on the internet, how likely is it going to be that you are one day found out by your coworkers? I think with today's face recognition technology, among other things, that it is highly likely. With that being said, then does it really matter if I take down my profiles on sites like SG and zivitiy? I don't frequent either one anymore, but I am proud of the work I've done, and I enjoy the community aspects of the sites.
I'm not sure what I'll do right now, but I'll mull over any input if you guys feel so inclined to throw in your two cents.
In other news, I made a pretty bitching Black Widow at Megacon.

So, Happy Early Birthday.
Hope you have a Great Day.
And May ALL your Wishes Come True.
And this Special Day Brings You Happiness, Joy and Fun.