La Petite Mort
I find my relief, my solace
In our sex
I take your anger and give you mine
Then you break away
And sometimes the hunger is sated briefly
Other times the sadness washes over me in waves
Its over. Done. I am alone.
I feel like I will never have my relief again.
You are gone from me
Even though you are still here
My desire rises
Too soon, too often, my body protests
It hurts to sit
Blood between my legs
From the havoc we have wreaked
My skin is red and bruised
My muscles are tired, weak
I still want you.
So I cling and I push
And ask for you to love my body once again
Fuck me even though it will hurt
Give me my petite mort
Give me my little death
Die with me slowly
Here in my arms.
I find my relief, my solace
In our sex
I take your anger and give you mine
Then you break away
And sometimes the hunger is sated briefly
Other times the sadness washes over me in waves
Its over. Done. I am alone.
I feel like I will never have my relief again.
You are gone from me
Even though you are still here
My desire rises
Too soon, too often, my body protests
It hurts to sit
Blood between my legs
From the havoc we have wreaked
My skin is red and bruised
My muscles are tired, weak
I still want you.
So I cling and I push
And ask for you to love my body once again
Fuck me even though it will hurt
Give me my petite mort
Give me my little death
Die with me slowly
Here in my arms.

Damn, I got the vapors *fans my face* hehe
Thanks Tori
I like your boobs too hehe!