Since I went back home, I have gained ten pounds and my boobs have gone up at least half a cup sixe (from a 36Cfull back to a Dsmall-moderate). I am thrilled about my bigger boobs, but not so thrilled about the excessive fat dimples on thighs and butt. I cannot decided if the two balance each other out. I also have way different hair since the hair show... and then I cut off most of it to my chin
. Once I get pictures I'll be sure to show them!
Anywho, most of the weight gain has to be the fault of my wisdom teeth, since my diet changed to mostly ice cream and I spent a large amount of time in bed sleeping. I lifted weights last night, and it actually felt really good afterwards. I was energized and felt instantly stronger/healthier. I know thats silly, since one workout really is not going to do me any good, but hopefully its motivation enough to get me back to the gym tomorrow. My primary concern is not weight. I would like to tone up (without losing my boobies!), but more so I have read that weight bearing exercises is pretty much the best thing you can do to strengthen your bones and will alleviate lower back pain.
Jaws seems to really like this house. There are so many nooks and crannies she can disappear into, and 5 other cats that periodically sneak into the house. SO much excitement and things to do and watch! Even with all this going on, she spends the majority of her time in one chair doing what cats do best- absolutely nothing.
My mom and I have been doing a lot of packing as she is moving with the two youngest to North Carolina next month. She has an entire library of books spread about the house in about a dozen bookshelves, and dusting them truly has been a bitch. My allergies are ecstatic with all the dust spores they get to attack!
I had two sets come out on Zivity this week (Im feeling so loved over there). Here is my latest one of me in a really beautiful Foyer area. If anyone remembers my Glass Table set, this is the same lingerie, same day, and same photographer.

Anywho, most of the weight gain has to be the fault of my wisdom teeth, since my diet changed to mostly ice cream and I spent a large amount of time in bed sleeping. I lifted weights last night, and it actually felt really good afterwards. I was energized and felt instantly stronger/healthier. I know thats silly, since one workout really is not going to do me any good, but hopefully its motivation enough to get me back to the gym tomorrow. My primary concern is not weight. I would like to tone up (without losing my boobies!), but more so I have read that weight bearing exercises is pretty much the best thing you can do to strengthen your bones and will alleviate lower back pain.
Jaws seems to really like this house. There are so many nooks and crannies she can disappear into, and 5 other cats that periodically sneak into the house. SO much excitement and things to do and watch! Even with all this going on, she spends the majority of her time in one chair doing what cats do best- absolutely nothing.
My mom and I have been doing a lot of packing as she is moving with the two youngest to North Carolina next month. She has an entire library of books spread about the house in about a dozen bookshelves, and dusting them truly has been a bitch. My allergies are ecstatic with all the dust spores they get to attack!
I had two sets come out on Zivity this week (Im feeling so loved over there). Here is my latest one of me in a really beautiful Foyer area. If anyone remembers my Glass Table set, this is the same lingerie, same day, and same photographer.

You always have a fan and friend in me.