Update! Requested video on bottom
Wisdom Teeth Surgery Report: Day 1
All four wisdom teeth were extracted around 9am this morning without incident. Under the influence of laughing gas and pain killers, patient told doctor about her great new wigs. One of them is really long and fluffy! (Coming to a SG set near you)
The sibling next in line to me, the oldest male of the family, took me to the doctor and waited for me to be done. He said I asked if I could take the gauze out of my mouth 3 times in a row without seeming to remember his answer of, NO! Im supposed to change it out every hour or so, but have gone the past hour with no gauze in. I do not like it.
He also said that the doctor was explaining the medicines to him and the fact that the anti-nausea was oral. I reiterated that suppositories were bad with expansive gestures and shouting, IT BURNS!!!!!
I do not remember any of this.
No complications so far. Moderate amount of blood. I do not like the feeling of drinking something cold and then sensing a warm river through the drink that you know is blood. Pain meds are so far being tolerated well, with main side effect seeming to be increase of heart rate and dizziness/near fainting when getting up.
My face is swollen, but I can still talk without too much difficulty. My round cheeks and square jaw do not help with the resemblance to a chipmunk. May see if I can make one of the little siblings take pictures.
Upon doctors suggestion, I have taken on of my moms old bras and invented a slingshot ice holder. I literally have ice boobs on my cheeks. I have tied the straps securely on top of my head so I can sleep without any slippage. Genius!
Both parents out of town, Im out of commission, and the oldest male seems to have disappeared to his friends house. Remaining three siblings taking advantage of the Free time. Recently got up and tried yelling at them to put away their food messes and to do the laundry.
I will tell Jaws that she is in charge in case something happens to me. I trust her to get the mission done.
Tori over and out.
I look like this:
Wisdom Teeth Surgery Report: Day 1
All four wisdom teeth were extracted around 9am this morning without incident. Under the influence of laughing gas and pain killers, patient told doctor about her great new wigs. One of them is really long and fluffy! (Coming to a SG set near you)
The sibling next in line to me, the oldest male of the family, took me to the doctor and waited for me to be done. He said I asked if I could take the gauze out of my mouth 3 times in a row without seeming to remember his answer of, NO! Im supposed to change it out every hour or so, but have gone the past hour with no gauze in. I do not like it.
He also said that the doctor was explaining the medicines to him and the fact that the anti-nausea was oral. I reiterated that suppositories were bad with expansive gestures and shouting, IT BURNS!!!!!
I do not remember any of this.
No complications so far. Moderate amount of blood. I do not like the feeling of drinking something cold and then sensing a warm river through the drink that you know is blood. Pain meds are so far being tolerated well, with main side effect seeming to be increase of heart rate and dizziness/near fainting when getting up.
My face is swollen, but I can still talk without too much difficulty. My round cheeks and square jaw do not help with the resemblance to a chipmunk. May see if I can make one of the little siblings take pictures.
Upon doctors suggestion, I have taken on of my moms old bras and invented a slingshot ice holder. I literally have ice boobs on my cheeks. I have tied the straps securely on top of my head so I can sleep without any slippage. Genius!
Both parents out of town, Im out of commission, and the oldest male seems to have disappeared to his friends house. Remaining three siblings taking advantage of the Free time. Recently got up and tried yelling at them to put away their food messes and to do the laundry.
I will tell Jaws that she is in charge in case something happens to me. I trust her to get the mission done.
Tori over and out.
I look like this:
But that ice bra is the bees knees.
Rest up.