Well, Im sick AGAIN, and this is finally enough to prompt me to go see a specialist. Ive been researching, and it isnt normal to get a respiratory infection almost every month. Auto-immune diseases run in my family, and there was one I looked at that seemed to nail my symptoms on the head. So, this means more money spent on doctors, tests, and frustration. At the very least, though, I will get to rule out auto-immune diseases if all the tests come back fine. Then, I guess I will just accept that Im a sick person. :/ I first have to actually get in to see a specialist, so hopefully that will happen soon.
I called my mother and asked for help since she walked through a ton of stuff with my older sister who has an auto immune disorder, and my mother started talking about this doctor she is about to see. I asked her what type, and she said he was an OBGYN! I told her that nothing was wrong with my vagina. My mom has been on a kick about the evils of birth control and hormonal imbalance, and she apparently thinks that all my health problems come from using birth control. Soon after this conversation, my dad calls and says that my mom told him he needed to talk to me. We had a very good discussion about the possibilities of an autoimmune disease; he was soo supportive, told me not to worry about the money, that we would figure it out. He said those things that people rarely spell out, but I think I needed to hear: that I am important and loved and they were on my side. Im really hopeful about the whole thing now. Im going to look up a list of doctors now, and call to make appointments tomorrow.
End of personal life news.
Below will be a politically charged rant. You have been warned.
I read an article in the newspaper the other day about an abortion clinic throwing a live baby in the trash. An 18 year old girl was prescribed drugs to open her cervix, but the abortion doctor didnt show up, and she went into labor. She was about 5 months pregnant. The article says that the nurse or aid or whatever, picked the baby off the floor, bagged it, and then threw it in the trash. An investigation is ongoing, but the autopsy shows that the baby had air in its lungs, meaning it was a live birth.
Everyone is up in arms about the situation, even abortion supporters. The mother is filing suit, and apparently it is this horrible thing.
But why? What difference does it make if the doctor kills the baby in the mothers womb and then sucks in out? Why is it so horrible for the baby to be born alive and then tossed in the trash? What is better about killing it before it comes into the world?
Im not mad at the doctor for not showing up, or at the nurse who tossed the live baby into the trash; Im furious at every goddamn hypocrite who shakes their head at this situation but still supports the right to choose.
What is this choice, people?
The choice to kill your unborn child while it is unborn, because as soon as it is born, somehow you no longer can have that choice.
It just doesnt make sense. You have a right to your body, yes, and I actually do have strong feminist sympathies, but the whole point of having a baby is creating ANOTHER body. Its not yours. You dont have a right to end another life, or even the potential for another life if you are going to argue that fetuses arent lives. It doesnt make a difference if you kill a baby at two months into pregnancy or two years after it is born a baby cant survive without a caretaker regardless of whether it is unborn or not.
No one will say they support killing unborn babies no, they support the right to choose. No one will say abortion is a good thing, a positive, fine and dandy thing, and yet those people will still say abortion should be a right.
It just doesnt make sense.
End of rant.
And just cause that was depressing, here is something that is not.

I called my mother and asked for help since she walked through a ton of stuff with my older sister who has an auto immune disorder, and my mother started talking about this doctor she is about to see. I asked her what type, and she said he was an OBGYN! I told her that nothing was wrong with my vagina. My mom has been on a kick about the evils of birth control and hormonal imbalance, and she apparently thinks that all my health problems come from using birth control. Soon after this conversation, my dad calls and says that my mom told him he needed to talk to me. We had a very good discussion about the possibilities of an autoimmune disease; he was soo supportive, told me not to worry about the money, that we would figure it out. He said those things that people rarely spell out, but I think I needed to hear: that I am important and loved and they were on my side. Im really hopeful about the whole thing now. Im going to look up a list of doctors now, and call to make appointments tomorrow.
End of personal life news.
Below will be a politically charged rant. You have been warned.
I read an article in the newspaper the other day about an abortion clinic throwing a live baby in the trash. An 18 year old girl was prescribed drugs to open her cervix, but the abortion doctor didnt show up, and she went into labor. She was about 5 months pregnant. The article says that the nurse or aid or whatever, picked the baby off the floor, bagged it, and then threw it in the trash. An investigation is ongoing, but the autopsy shows that the baby had air in its lungs, meaning it was a live birth.
Everyone is up in arms about the situation, even abortion supporters. The mother is filing suit, and apparently it is this horrible thing.
But why? What difference does it make if the doctor kills the baby in the mothers womb and then sucks in out? Why is it so horrible for the baby to be born alive and then tossed in the trash? What is better about killing it before it comes into the world?
Im not mad at the doctor for not showing up, or at the nurse who tossed the live baby into the trash; Im furious at every goddamn hypocrite who shakes their head at this situation but still supports the right to choose.
What is this choice, people?
The choice to kill your unborn child while it is unborn, because as soon as it is born, somehow you no longer can have that choice.
It just doesnt make sense. You have a right to your body, yes, and I actually do have strong feminist sympathies, but the whole point of having a baby is creating ANOTHER body. Its not yours. You dont have a right to end another life, or even the potential for another life if you are going to argue that fetuses arent lives. It doesnt make a difference if you kill a baby at two months into pregnancy or two years after it is born a baby cant survive without a caretaker regardless of whether it is unborn or not.
No one will say they support killing unborn babies no, they support the right to choose. No one will say abortion is a good thing, a positive, fine and dandy thing, and yet those people will still say abortion should be a right.
It just doesnt make sense.
End of rant.
And just cause that was depressing, here is something that is not.

I agree. I don't see the difference between putting a living, breathing baby in the trash versus putting one which was born dead, in the trash. It's horrifying to me. And I didn't know that they actually threw them away, I thought they were incinerated?
good rant. i concur. hope your health improves.