Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty dumpty had a great fall
But why was Humpty on that fucking wall?
All the king's horses and all the king's men
The lover, the fighter, the family of ten
They just couldn't put Humpty back together again
London Bridge Is falling down,
Falling down, Falling down.
London Bridge Is falling down,
My fair lady.
London Bridges Falling Down
A million reasons found
Dead virgin buried in the base
Sacrifice for the sake of the human race
Fatality to appease the water spirits
Or the London Bridge will be washed away!
This is nothing but another casualty.
Ring around the rosies,
A pocketful of posies.
ashes, ashes.
We all fall down!
Pockets full of posies
To keep the smell away
Ring around the rosies
Plague of the rashes
Ashes, Ashes
Burn them
So the disease doesn't spread.
Do you not understand?
Where does the meaning come from?
These songs we sing to the children small?
It's death to them all!
We all fall down!
Down, down, down, down
We all fall DOWN!
Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty dumpty had a great fall
But why was Humpty on that fucking wall?
All the king's horses and all the king's men
The lover, the fighter, the family of ten
They just couldn't put Humpty back together again
London Bridge Is falling down,
Falling down, Falling down.
London Bridge Is falling down,
My fair lady.
London Bridges Falling Down
A million reasons found
Dead virgin buried in the base
Sacrifice for the sake of the human race
Fatality to appease the water spirits
Or the London Bridge will be washed away!
This is nothing but another casualty.
Ring around the rosies,
A pocketful of posies.
ashes, ashes.
We all fall down!
Pockets full of posies
To keep the smell away
Ring around the rosies
Plague of the rashes
Ashes, Ashes
Burn them
So the disease doesn't spread.
Do you not understand?
Where does the meaning come from?
These songs we sing to the children small?
It's death to them all!
We all fall down!
Down, down, down, down
We all fall DOWN!
Well that's nice should we cheek on you med updates lol its was very interesting I liked it a lot take care

I've always found the origin of children's songs/tales interesting. I love how Grimm fairytales are really not children's stories when originally written, yet we've modified them to be told as such.