DAMMIT!!! I just typed this amazingly wonderful catch-up entry, but my computer bunged up and now it's GONE!
So here's a quick list of my past month.
#1. Boys keep asking for my number, but they don't call until I've given up on them...
#2. Had a lesson in instant karma (that good ol billyboy got an e-mail about right after it happened!) wherein a rock thrown to break a window freakishly ricocheted back and hit me square in the left temple... had quite the karmic concussion the next couple of days...
#3. Now I'm getting a General degree, which means NO MORE MATH!!! EVER!!! nor stats, nor biology. my brain just doesn't need that stuff gumming up the works, you know? So now I've got a bunch of electives! I'm thinking of taking a beginners Russian class. Just because I can.
#4. Everyone should read "breaking Open The Head" by Daniel Pinchbeck. It's "A Psychadelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism." Friggin the best book I've picked up in a long time. Trying to describe it further would entirely bastardize what the book entails, so if you find yourself even remotely intreagued by this book, go. Now. Pick it up.
That is all. Well, except for an apology for, once again, the lack of hillarity. And another apology for being a bad friend and not being around. C'mon, who loves you baby? You know I'd never do anything to hurt you... it's just, sometimes, I need to look out for me. You know? Like when you spend all day at the beauty parlour, gossipping with the girls, that's your "you" time. My "me" time, well, seems to be month long periods of not talking to you. That's just the way it goes.
Now catch me up on your goings on! In numbered list form!
So here's a quick list of my past month.
#1. Boys keep asking for my number, but they don't call until I've given up on them...

#2. Had a lesson in instant karma (that good ol billyboy got an e-mail about right after it happened!) wherein a rock thrown to break a window freakishly ricocheted back and hit me square in the left temple... had quite the karmic concussion the next couple of days...
#3. Now I'm getting a General degree, which means NO MORE MATH!!! EVER!!! nor stats, nor biology. my brain just doesn't need that stuff gumming up the works, you know? So now I've got a bunch of electives! I'm thinking of taking a beginners Russian class. Just because I can.
#4. Everyone should read "breaking Open The Head" by Daniel Pinchbeck. It's "A Psychadelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism." Friggin the best book I've picked up in a long time. Trying to describe it further would entirely bastardize what the book entails, so if you find yourself even remotely intreagued by this book, go. Now. Pick it up.
That is all. Well, except for an apology for, once again, the lack of hillarity. And another apology for being a bad friend and not being around. C'mon, who loves you baby? You know I'd never do anything to hurt you... it's just, sometimes, I need to look out for me. You know? Like when you spend all day at the beauty parlour, gossipping with the girls, that's your "you" time. My "me" time, well, seems to be month long periods of not talking to you. That's just the way it goes.

Now catch me up on your goings on! In numbered list form!
I'm also located in the Victown/Vancouver... The whole UBC thing, but living in Victoria. Anyway, I was wondering if I could get to know more about you. I'm really interested in meeting other Vic/Van SG Members, so if you want you can email me at: plain_ol_jane@hotmail.com
come back to us!