Well well well. I'm back... slightly.
For an update:
Had a bit of a student breakdown-slash-burnout thing happen, got an academic concession to drop all of my classes without the penalty of failing them. In the middle of reconsidering the whole school thing altogether. Now, I don't want to come off as a flaky "school was just too darn hard" type, so let me qualify this decision by saying that I now feel better than ever. About myself, my potential, my future... I'm discovering something that I have been told ever since I was little: I'm creative. I need to create, to find new ways to do things, new mediums to explore, new avenues through which to satisfy both my intellect and my creative potential. So far, that's consisted of a lot of reading, as well as an apartment littered with music and music accessories, as well as a sewing machine and sewing accessories.
I feel SO much better after breaking off of the dead-end path that is a psychology BA... (sincerely no offence to any fellow psych-minded people, it just wasn't my proverbial "bag", as it were) and now I'm more excited than ever at all the universe will throw my way.
I'm reading Kerouac's "Dharma Bums" right now, and am absolutely immersed in it. One of those books that I want to relate to everyone, and everything.
SO that's the long-winded and not at all hillarious Toria update. I promise, the following journal entries will be more for your amusement than my own cathartic needs...
For an update:
Had a bit of a student breakdown-slash-burnout thing happen, got an academic concession to drop all of my classes without the penalty of failing them. In the middle of reconsidering the whole school thing altogether. Now, I don't want to come off as a flaky "school was just too darn hard" type, so let me qualify this decision by saying that I now feel better than ever. About myself, my potential, my future... I'm discovering something that I have been told ever since I was little: I'm creative. I need to create, to find new ways to do things, new mediums to explore, new avenues through which to satisfy both my intellect and my creative potential. So far, that's consisted of a lot of reading, as well as an apartment littered with music and music accessories, as well as a sewing machine and sewing accessories.
I feel SO much better after breaking off of the dead-end path that is a psychology BA... (sincerely no offence to any fellow psych-minded people, it just wasn't my proverbial "bag", as it were) and now I'm more excited than ever at all the universe will throw my way.
I'm reading Kerouac's "Dharma Bums" right now, and am absolutely immersed in it. One of those books that I want to relate to everyone, and everything.
SO that's the long-winded and not at all hillarious Toria update. I promise, the following journal entries will be more for your amusement than my own cathartic needs...

we have to do something about your scarcity around here... I'm going through withdrawals
come back to us!