Satan: Now then foresaken soul, open thine ears! And sate thy thirst on the music that can force kings to their knees! And oceans to boil! Behold! The song that will take you... to the top of the charts!
There's a guy named Fred and he's got a pair of slacks, ooooh, Fred's got slacks....
Really quite sharp but they're a little tight in the waist, ooooh, Fred's got slacks, on the boulevard....
Hold on a second. I think it's out of tune...
For those in the know, I've just blatantly ripped off Will Ferrel's Satan skit with Garth Brooks. I can't get those stupid songs out of my head! And every time I recite one I giggle to myself. Another!: Fast car, on the highway, on the byway, mister Robotron...
I am playing this skit every damn day. Do you have anything right now that is a consistent source of hillarity?! (my other one is my dog. goofy lil bastard.)
There's a guy named Fred and he's got a pair of slacks, ooooh, Fred's got slacks....
Really quite sharp but they're a little tight in the waist, ooooh, Fred's got slacks, on the boulevard....
Hold on a second. I think it's out of tune...
For those in the know, I've just blatantly ripped off Will Ferrel's Satan skit with Garth Brooks. I can't get those stupid songs out of my head! And every time I recite one I giggle to myself. Another!: Fast car, on the highway, on the byway, mister Robotron...
I am playing this skit every damn day. Do you have anything right now that is a consistent source of hillarity?! (my other one is my dog. goofy lil bastard.)

indeed. she's a "woman lovely to her bones, when small birds sighed, she would sigh back at them". as my old pal Roethke might put it.
if only I had dark brooding good looks... hahaha. I'm the biggest music nerd of all. yes.