Good to be back from Winnipeg. Lessons learned from that trip:
#1. I am utterly fascinating to my entire extended family, being the eldest grandchild of 12 grandchildren on that side. "Why do you have a piercing there?" "I heard you have a tattoo." "Is that your EIGHTH whisky and coke?"
#2. Whoever coined the phrase "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass donkey" may have lived in Winnipeg. It wasn't THAT cold, but this West Coaster ain't used to that frozen-snot cold.
#3. Flying on airplanes is NOT the glamourous pasttime it once was in its heyday. Very long, miserable stories, one involving an unexpected 3am-8am stay at a dive-y Edmonton motel.
#4. Conservative Catholic grandparents don't appreciate devil's advocate. EVER.
#5. Malls are the saddest places to watch people. Regardless of which city you're in.
Happy New Years!
Felice anno nuovo!
Godt Nytt r!
Bonne nouvelle annee! (somebody who actually remembers french is going to kick my ass for that attempt!)
#1. I am utterly fascinating to my entire extended family, being the eldest grandchild of 12 grandchildren on that side. "Why do you have a piercing there?" "I heard you have a tattoo." "Is that your EIGHTH whisky and coke?"
#2. Whoever coined the phrase "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass donkey" may have lived in Winnipeg. It wasn't THAT cold, but this West Coaster ain't used to that frozen-snot cold.
#3. Flying on airplanes is NOT the glamourous pasttime it once was in its heyday. Very long, miserable stories, one involving an unexpected 3am-8am stay at a dive-y Edmonton motel.
#4. Conservative Catholic grandparents don't appreciate devil's advocate. EVER.
#5. Malls are the saddest places to watch people. Regardless of which city you're in.
Happy New Years!
Felice anno nuovo!
Godt Nytt r!
Bonne nouvelle annee! (somebody who actually remembers french is going to kick my ass for that attempt!)

i'm aware of your previous lack of imaging hardware, i was just poking you in the digital ribs