this week is going to be the death of me.
i know i really only use this silly thing to bitch. but goddamn. this has been a shit week.
my dog was killed this week. she was twelve. i think the proper term is "put to sleep", but we all know she's not sleeping. they killed her.
i think i have sars. or somemthing like it. i've had some wicked head cold on the level of the black plague for like a week now. i've been coughing alllllll week. i didn't know my little tar covered lungs could hold that much sludge.
i had a washing machine try to throw my ass down a fight of stairs. it was a fight to the death and i damn near lost. this was after my coworker neglected to turn off the water before unhooking the washing machine. he then spent fifteen minutes trying to turn off the wrong hose.
two of my good friends got in a car accident. they're alright. but it still sucks.
i'm choking on my phlegm as i type.
i kissed two boys this week. both left me feeling empty and yicky. i think i'm just fuckin psycho. i don't really want to be in a relationship. but i don't really want to be close to anyone that i don't share any passion with. i don't know. my conscience moved to rochester to study photo shit and now the one that i was manufactured with is going into overdrive. i'm not sure how to handle it. i'm damaged.
but speaking of which. a certain ex of mine who caused a good chunk of the recent damage.. well. i dated him cause he reminded me of a boy that i cared deeply for but for certain reasons couldn't be with at the time. so now the boy is back around. finally. but he's dating someone. and it certainly isn;t me. so he can't fix the damage that the ex who reminded me of him did. i have problems.
however. i have reason number 23409872938742 why i love my friends. a direct quote. just for you "what is there that a hammer and, i said and, ice cream can't fix.... throw in christian slater and you have one hell of a strange sex dream."
but i think that's about all for now. i'll leave now with whatever self respect i have left.
tell the world to stop sucking my left testicle already. it's starting to chafe.
strychnine and gobstoppers,
- t -
i know i really only use this silly thing to bitch. but goddamn. this has been a shit week.
my dog was killed this week. she was twelve. i think the proper term is "put to sleep", but we all know she's not sleeping. they killed her.

i think i have sars. or somemthing like it. i've had some wicked head cold on the level of the black plague for like a week now. i've been coughing alllllll week. i didn't know my little tar covered lungs could hold that much sludge.
i had a washing machine try to throw my ass down a fight of stairs. it was a fight to the death and i damn near lost. this was after my coworker neglected to turn off the water before unhooking the washing machine. he then spent fifteen minutes trying to turn off the wrong hose.
two of my good friends got in a car accident. they're alright. but it still sucks.
i'm choking on my phlegm as i type.
i kissed two boys this week. both left me feeling empty and yicky. i think i'm just fuckin psycho. i don't really want to be in a relationship. but i don't really want to be close to anyone that i don't share any passion with. i don't know. my conscience moved to rochester to study photo shit and now the one that i was manufactured with is going into overdrive. i'm not sure how to handle it. i'm damaged.
but speaking of which. a certain ex of mine who caused a good chunk of the recent damage.. well. i dated him cause he reminded me of a boy that i cared deeply for but for certain reasons couldn't be with at the time. so now the boy is back around. finally. but he's dating someone. and it certainly isn;t me. so he can't fix the damage that the ex who reminded me of him did. i have problems.
however. i have reason number 23409872938742 why i love my friends. a direct quote. just for you "what is there that a hammer and, i said and, ice cream can't fix.... throw in christian slater and you have one hell of a strange sex dream."
but i think that's about all for now. i'll leave now with whatever self respect i have left.
tell the world to stop sucking my left testicle already. it's starting to chafe.
strychnine and gobstoppers,
- t -
you should so come here for a longer time and we should create chaos in boston! i will so buy you a bus ticket!!!
and when i move out of my rents you are so coming to the house warming party!
thanks also... matt is a great guy.
talk to you later beautiful!
[Edited on Nov 22, 2004 9:07PM]