Alright. so Im finally updating this journal piece. I realize its been a short while. Ive been busy. in the past month I have:
seen the black dahlia murder: john put me on the phone with his mom. it was weird. I wasnt really sure what to tell her. I still love those guys. theyre some of the sweetest young men ever. really. the pit was full of 13 year olds. but I guess thats what I get for going to a metal show in reading, pa. goat whore and cattle decapitation also played.
seen jewdriver: they were fuckin amazing. I cant put it in to words. go see them if you get the chance. really. they were all super nice to boot as well. they played with the shemps and two man advantage, who were both amazing. really. go see two man as well, they always put on a fuckin amazing show.
seen disfear: another mind blowing show. I caught the last day of pointless fest in Philly. I have much love for disfear. I got the chance to speak with tomas, of disfear and at the gates fame, and hes this cute lil polite Swedish guy. for some reason it shocked me. perhaps its the lyrics contained in both disfear and at the gates? I was also very much impressed by hell shock and tragedy. both were big fun.
seen cyndi lauper: and fell the fuck in love. shes so cute! Shes like a lil fraggle. But shes a grandmother. and gorgeous. so much energy... oh my. I just want to put her in my pocket. one of my bestest friends and I got all dolled up in trashy eighties garb to see the show. it was rad. Ill have to find pictures. it was especially fun when we left the show and strangers no longer knew why we were dressed like assholes...
Protested the rnc: and didnt get arrested! The whole thing was just fuckin amazing. my friend and I were flyering, and collecting money to help pay for the show in thompkins square park (rad show by the way), and got bored.... so I decided we should start hitting on people. we got more money.... but none of us got any. perhaps its cause no one took my hey are you a pirate? Cause Im diggin your booty. line seriously. I got some shit from the cops- they were fucking with me in that weird old man flirting type of way, but aside from that all went well for my nearest and dearest.
saw gozu: quite possibly the most fucked up movie Ive ever fuckin seen. really. wholly unsuitable for children, but none the less a perfect date movie.
started school: yeppers. For some reason I cant start at a school without waiting till two days before classes to start to register. Im two for two. but whatever. just because I wanna light my schools town on fire and light a bogey off of the flames doesnt mean anything. sure, its all frat boys, sorority sluts, and freshman, and I cant tell one kid from another.... but Im sure theyre all really intelligent nice young people. right. I fuckin hate it there.
moved the rest of my shit out of my exs place: it was uneventful. I love his old roommates dearly. theyre so sweet. I stayed at his new place for a night. it kinda seems like Im dead to him. which I suppose is rad, in that Ive been looking to sever ties by burning bridges and what have you. so if anyone asks, my ex is dead. oh. and that goes for the recent one as well...
Had a woman try to get me fired: this fuck up of a woman likes to smoke crack. whatever. I really dont give two flying fucks what your drug of choice is. however. she lives at the apartment complex where I work. and has a six year old son and an eleven year old- Im not as concerned for the eleven year old as he mainly stays with his father. this is a woman who has repeatedly admitted to having kids for money, had a homemade abortion because she couldnt figure out who the father was and hence couldnt get child support, and tried to fight a handicapped woman. Ive had a number of people tell me all about how she never feeds her kid and passes out in front of him fairly regularly. example a: kid goes over to neighbors apartment around eight pm. neighbor asks if kid has eaten anything that day. kid says no, mommys asleep on the floor and I cant get her up. neighbor proceeds to feed kid. crackhead mom goes over to neighbors apartment a few hours later, not to find her kid, but to bum a smoke. neighbor informs crackhead of her sleeping kid on the couch, to which she replies oh, hes fine there. so. I go to the resident manager, and ask her to look into shit. even if its not true, its still a problem that multiple people are going around making such strong allegations. she finds out that I said something. all five foot one of her comes storming down to the pool screaming that shes gonna get me fired, and Im going to have a meeting with the police, and a bunch of other shit. I proceed to try to calm her down, and attempt to not laugh at her threats. so yeah. she didnt do shit, and I still dont know whats going on with the kids.
on to business:
September 25th, 2004
1. Valley Forge National Battlefield
Valley Forge, PA
With the Bush administration firmly entrenched in power, true fascists an assortment of neo-Nazi and other far-right groups are no longer afraid to organize publicly, far from their home base of support. The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is planning a large public demonstration on September 25th in Valley Forge, PA. The NSM, who refer to themselves as Americas Nazi Party, feel no need to hide in their homes in Minnesota, and have instead chosen a location on the East Coast less than half an hour from the very multi-racial and multi-cultural City of Philadelphia. We in Anti-Racist Action are planning a counter-demonstration to oppose these fascists, and are inviting all those who believe in freedom and equality to join us in sending the NSM a strong message that fascist scum are not welcome in Pennsylvania!
While it may appear that the NSM is just a fringe group, especially here on the East Coast, and that it is not worthwhile to oppose such a group, it is important to note that there is currently a power vacuum in the white power movement. With Matt Hale, the leader of the World Church of the Creator in jail, and the death of William Pierce, the founder and head of the National Alliance, other fascist scum are feeling lost without any strong leadership. Other white power organizations like the NSM realize that this power vacuum exists and are attempting to fill it. It is for this reason that the NSM will attract fascists of all stripes in numbers to their demonstration in Valley Forge. Neo-Nazis are currently seeking organization, structure, and public organizing all of which they will be looking to the NSM for on September 25th.
For this reason alone, it is of utmost importance that anti-fascists show a huge amount of opposition in Valley Forge. This is not a time that we can we can sit back and ignore the organizing fascists are currently engaging in. We CANNOT give the neo-Nazis any room to organize and recruit. We must not allow the existing power vacuum to be filled. We must be there on September 25th in Valley Forge to take away any illusion of organization and power the NSM is trying to present. We must stand up and join together, sending a clear message that such activity is not welcome in our communities.
Please join us in opposing the NSM rally in Valley Forge. Lets send these neo-Nazis home knowing that their behavior will not be tolerated here in PA, or anywhere else. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.
For more information, please contact Philadelphia Anti-Racist Action
In solidarity, Philadelphia Anti-Racist Action
my crew and I will be out there in force to kick some nazi ass. I think this has the possibility to be much like York. I really hope that despite valley forge being located in central bumble fuck, people will still make it out, and show the fascist scum that they will never have the streets.
sorry this is so long. the point is, music is fun, nazis and bush make me mad, and you shouldn't do crack in front of your six year old.
oh. and for you assfucks that just read this shit to check up on me but aren't on the site... fuckin email me-, it's really fuckin obnoxious when i hear you go through the hassle to read what i spew out, but you can't take the three point two seconds it takes to email my ass. so get on it.
seen the black dahlia murder: john put me on the phone with his mom. it was weird. I wasnt really sure what to tell her. I still love those guys. theyre some of the sweetest young men ever. really. the pit was full of 13 year olds. but I guess thats what I get for going to a metal show in reading, pa. goat whore and cattle decapitation also played.
seen jewdriver: they were fuckin amazing. I cant put it in to words. go see them if you get the chance. really. they were all super nice to boot as well. they played with the shemps and two man advantage, who were both amazing. really. go see two man as well, they always put on a fuckin amazing show.
seen disfear: another mind blowing show. I caught the last day of pointless fest in Philly. I have much love for disfear. I got the chance to speak with tomas, of disfear and at the gates fame, and hes this cute lil polite Swedish guy. for some reason it shocked me. perhaps its the lyrics contained in both disfear and at the gates? I was also very much impressed by hell shock and tragedy. both were big fun.
seen cyndi lauper: and fell the fuck in love. shes so cute! Shes like a lil fraggle. But shes a grandmother. and gorgeous. so much energy... oh my. I just want to put her in my pocket. one of my bestest friends and I got all dolled up in trashy eighties garb to see the show. it was rad. Ill have to find pictures. it was especially fun when we left the show and strangers no longer knew why we were dressed like assholes...
Protested the rnc: and didnt get arrested! The whole thing was just fuckin amazing. my friend and I were flyering, and collecting money to help pay for the show in thompkins square park (rad show by the way), and got bored.... so I decided we should start hitting on people. we got more money.... but none of us got any. perhaps its cause no one took my hey are you a pirate? Cause Im diggin your booty. line seriously. I got some shit from the cops- they were fucking with me in that weird old man flirting type of way, but aside from that all went well for my nearest and dearest.
saw gozu: quite possibly the most fucked up movie Ive ever fuckin seen. really. wholly unsuitable for children, but none the less a perfect date movie.
started school: yeppers. For some reason I cant start at a school without waiting till two days before classes to start to register. Im two for two. but whatever. just because I wanna light my schools town on fire and light a bogey off of the flames doesnt mean anything. sure, its all frat boys, sorority sluts, and freshman, and I cant tell one kid from another.... but Im sure theyre all really intelligent nice young people. right. I fuckin hate it there.
moved the rest of my shit out of my exs place: it was uneventful. I love his old roommates dearly. theyre so sweet. I stayed at his new place for a night. it kinda seems like Im dead to him. which I suppose is rad, in that Ive been looking to sever ties by burning bridges and what have you. so if anyone asks, my ex is dead. oh. and that goes for the recent one as well...
Had a woman try to get me fired: this fuck up of a woman likes to smoke crack. whatever. I really dont give two flying fucks what your drug of choice is. however. she lives at the apartment complex where I work. and has a six year old son and an eleven year old- Im not as concerned for the eleven year old as he mainly stays with his father. this is a woman who has repeatedly admitted to having kids for money, had a homemade abortion because she couldnt figure out who the father was and hence couldnt get child support, and tried to fight a handicapped woman. Ive had a number of people tell me all about how she never feeds her kid and passes out in front of him fairly regularly. example a: kid goes over to neighbors apartment around eight pm. neighbor asks if kid has eaten anything that day. kid says no, mommys asleep on the floor and I cant get her up. neighbor proceeds to feed kid. crackhead mom goes over to neighbors apartment a few hours later, not to find her kid, but to bum a smoke. neighbor informs crackhead of her sleeping kid on the couch, to which she replies oh, hes fine there. so. I go to the resident manager, and ask her to look into shit. even if its not true, its still a problem that multiple people are going around making such strong allegations. she finds out that I said something. all five foot one of her comes storming down to the pool screaming that shes gonna get me fired, and Im going to have a meeting with the police, and a bunch of other shit. I proceed to try to calm her down, and attempt to not laugh at her threats. so yeah. she didnt do shit, and I still dont know whats going on with the kids.
on to business:
September 25th, 2004
1. Valley Forge National Battlefield
Valley Forge, PA
With the Bush administration firmly entrenched in power, true fascists an assortment of neo-Nazi and other far-right groups are no longer afraid to organize publicly, far from their home base of support. The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is planning a large public demonstration on September 25th in Valley Forge, PA. The NSM, who refer to themselves as Americas Nazi Party, feel no need to hide in their homes in Minnesota, and have instead chosen a location on the East Coast less than half an hour from the very multi-racial and multi-cultural City of Philadelphia. We in Anti-Racist Action are planning a counter-demonstration to oppose these fascists, and are inviting all those who believe in freedom and equality to join us in sending the NSM a strong message that fascist scum are not welcome in Pennsylvania!
While it may appear that the NSM is just a fringe group, especially here on the East Coast, and that it is not worthwhile to oppose such a group, it is important to note that there is currently a power vacuum in the white power movement. With Matt Hale, the leader of the World Church of the Creator in jail, and the death of William Pierce, the founder and head of the National Alliance, other fascist scum are feeling lost without any strong leadership. Other white power organizations like the NSM realize that this power vacuum exists and are attempting to fill it. It is for this reason that the NSM will attract fascists of all stripes in numbers to their demonstration in Valley Forge. Neo-Nazis are currently seeking organization, structure, and public organizing all of which they will be looking to the NSM for on September 25th.
For this reason alone, it is of utmost importance that anti-fascists show a huge amount of opposition in Valley Forge. This is not a time that we can we can sit back and ignore the organizing fascists are currently engaging in. We CANNOT give the neo-Nazis any room to organize and recruit. We must not allow the existing power vacuum to be filled. We must be there on September 25th in Valley Forge to take away any illusion of organization and power the NSM is trying to present. We must stand up and join together, sending a clear message that such activity is not welcome in our communities.
Please join us in opposing the NSM rally in Valley Forge. Lets send these neo-Nazis home knowing that their behavior will not be tolerated here in PA, or anywhere else. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.
For more information, please contact Philadelphia Anti-Racist Action
In solidarity, Philadelphia Anti-Racist Action
my crew and I will be out there in force to kick some nazi ass. I think this has the possibility to be much like York. I really hope that despite valley forge being located in central bumble fuck, people will still make it out, and show the fascist scum that they will never have the streets.
sorry this is so long. the point is, music is fun, nazis and bush make me mad, and you shouldn't do crack in front of your six year old.

oh. and for you assfucks that just read this shit to check up on me but aren't on the site... fuckin email me-, it's really fuckin obnoxious when i hear you go through the hassle to read what i spew out, but you can't take the three point two seconds it takes to email my ass. so get on it.
sings *run to the hills..*