argh. well. sorry it's been so long.
i'm outta nyc for the summer. and hence i can't check this shizzle as often. i got my heart broken by a silly boy. yep. i got my ass dumped.
but alas. i'm tan. i'm relaxed. i'm getting new ink soon. more biomech- yay! i've spent the last three days in a black bikini. i'm house sitting at a place with a private pool and hot tub. yep. i'm getting paid to be on holiday.
so yeah. i'm still trying to figure out how to get my ass into ozz fest. fuckin halford is gonna be with priest. i'm gonna be really sad if i miss that. i'm taking two people to court shortly. the boy and i are still figuring shit out. meanwhile i've been going on awful dates that make me want to swear off dating all together.
blah. leave some love for me, or some hate for the rest of the world. either will suffice.
close your eyes and floor it,
- tori -
oh yeah. and i fucked up. some really cute boy asked for my number (all be it indirectly), and i didn't give it to him. i suck at life.
i'm outta nyc for the summer. and hence i can't check this shizzle as often. i got my heart broken by a silly boy. yep. i got my ass dumped.
but alas. i'm tan. i'm relaxed. i'm getting new ink soon. more biomech- yay! i've spent the last three days in a black bikini. i'm house sitting at a place with a private pool and hot tub. yep. i'm getting paid to be on holiday.
so yeah. i'm still trying to figure out how to get my ass into ozz fest. fuckin halford is gonna be with priest. i'm gonna be really sad if i miss that. i'm taking two people to court shortly. the boy and i are still figuring shit out. meanwhile i've been going on awful dates that make me want to swear off dating all together.
blah. leave some love for me, or some hate for the rest of the world. either will suffice.
close your eyes and floor it,
- tori -
oh yeah. and i fucked up. some really cute boy asked for my number (all be it indirectly), and i didn't give it to him. i suck at life.

but fuck you for having the coolest job imaginable. Hmmmphhh!!!