i saw a most amazing show this week. the black dahlia murder played with some other bands i don't care for.
but the black dahlia murder was great. i really love that band. i ended up hanging out with those kids. they're some of the nicest kids i've ever met. they're really great. they're so very humble. i spent the night drinking with them. really sweet kids. except for their singer. motherfucker kneed me in the face about 8 times. i was in the pit and their singer was stage diving like 5 times per song.
i saw their new videos on headbangers ball last night. it was surreal.
i still don't believe they exist. they're all like 20 years old. from michigan. but they're amazing. and on metal blade records.
aside from that things are alright. i put my two weeks in at my retail shop of horrors. so i've got a few more shifts left there. i'm lifeguarding now, which is very nice.
i still need somewhere to live. i don't know what's going on with that. i think i'm gonna start scouting out refrigerator boxes.
i'm mad excited for the women's march in dc on the 25th. i think my mom is going to go with me. that would warm my heart so much. she's never been to a demo, and always tried to ignore my involvement with activism. so yeah. hopefully she wont flake out.
oh. and you should all check out a hip hop group called thought breakers. they're great. my quote of the day comes from them:
"if new york is the big apple, then jersey is the bananna skin"
so with this, i leave you with wishes for love, violence, and good times.
close yer eyes and floor it,
- the ever torilicious -
but the black dahlia murder was great. i really love that band. i ended up hanging out with those kids. they're some of the nicest kids i've ever met. they're really great. they're so very humble. i spent the night drinking with them. really sweet kids. except for their singer. motherfucker kneed me in the face about 8 times. i was in the pit and their singer was stage diving like 5 times per song.
i saw their new videos on headbangers ball last night. it was surreal.
i still don't believe they exist. they're all like 20 years old. from michigan. but they're amazing. and on metal blade records.
aside from that things are alright. i put my two weeks in at my retail shop of horrors. so i've got a few more shifts left there. i'm lifeguarding now, which is very nice.
i still need somewhere to live. i don't know what's going on with that. i think i'm gonna start scouting out refrigerator boxes.

i'm mad excited for the women's march in dc on the 25th. i think my mom is going to go with me. that would warm my heart so much. she's never been to a demo, and always tried to ignore my involvement with activism. so yeah. hopefully she wont flake out.
oh. and you should all check out a hip hop group called thought breakers. they're great. my quote of the day comes from them:
"if new york is the big apple, then jersey is the bananna skin"
so with this, i leave you with wishes for love, violence, and good times.
close yer eyes and floor it,
- the ever torilicious -

Dont Forget!