i went slobberknocking with the sgny crowd last night. it was absolutely crazy. but soo much fun. i'm not sure i've ever poked that many asses in one night before. it's a really good way to meet people. really. try it some time. too bad half the people i poked weren't even on the site. they were just trying to drink at the bar... oops. ehh. they didn't seem to mind.
sam and i went intending to hang out for a half hour or so at most. i think we ended up hanging out for 10 hours. or something to that effect. pure craziness.
aside from that. i got the job i interviewd for on saturday. which rocks. it's a gorgeous pool on the 46th floor so you can see soo much of the city, and way too much of jersey. too bad i can only get one shift a week thus far. so i'm still stuck at my shitty job.
my week off from work has made me realize that i'm not having problems with depression or anything. i just really fuckin hate my job. i keep hearing more and more shit being talked. it's ridiculous. i find it really sad that none of them have the balls to mention any of it to me. that, and it's such hypocritical bullshit that they're spouting. i really miss working for places that have some kind of an air of professionalism.. or at least some form of respect.
i keep hearing shit talked that i treat everyone i work with like shit. well yeah. i have no respect for any of them. no motivation to be there. and an overwhelming urge to burn the place down. sterno? what?
once again (and forever more), i need a new fuckin job and a large can of sterno.
oh. and up the E C. we will eat your souls and destroy your music collection!
sam and i went intending to hang out for a half hour or so at most. i think we ended up hanging out for 10 hours. or something to that effect. pure craziness.
aside from that. i got the job i interviewd for on saturday. which rocks. it's a gorgeous pool on the 46th floor so you can see soo much of the city, and way too much of jersey. too bad i can only get one shift a week thus far. so i'm still stuck at my shitty job.
my week off from work has made me realize that i'm not having problems with depression or anything. i just really fuckin hate my job. i keep hearing more and more shit being talked. it's ridiculous. i find it really sad that none of them have the balls to mention any of it to me. that, and it's such hypocritical bullshit that they're spouting. i really miss working for places that have some kind of an air of professionalism.. or at least some form of respect.
i keep hearing shit talked that i treat everyone i work with like shit. well yeah. i have no respect for any of them. no motivation to be there. and an overwhelming urge to burn the place down. sterno? what?
once again (and forever more), i need a new fuckin job and a large can of sterno.
oh. and up the E C. we will eat your souls and destroy your music collection!
... which is why i'm hoping to move down there sometime before summer.