things are making me cranky again.
i went out last night. to some fuckin gutter punk house party type thing in philly. i wanted to beat the shit out of most everyone there. i did beat the shit out of four of them. i don't appreciate people who are too forward to me.
what i don't understand is the whole look. the spending four hours putting your hair up. taking your allowance, buying new clothes, and then tearing holes in them. or perhaps the punker than thou bullshit. drinking til you vomit does not make you cool. certainly not when it's the trendy thing to do. i may have been the only one there not vomiting. setting shit on fire is fun- but don't fuckin do that in people's homes. for fuck's sake, i know these kids weren't around for the killtime, but it was the same type of disrespect that got that shut down.
if anyone can explain these mysteries, please, get on it. enlighten my ass.
furthermore. there is nothing counterrevolutionary about running a bar of soap acrost your ass. nothing. i promise.
i'm too lazy to bitch further. but i have a mission for you. it seems as though there are some 1034987349756356098 new girls on here since i last checked it out. tell me the good sets to check out!
eek! foodservice has a birthday coming up on tuesday. please please please go wish his butt a happy birthday!!!
i went out last night. to some fuckin gutter punk house party type thing in philly. i wanted to beat the shit out of most everyone there. i did beat the shit out of four of them. i don't appreciate people who are too forward to me.
what i don't understand is the whole look. the spending four hours putting your hair up. taking your allowance, buying new clothes, and then tearing holes in them. or perhaps the punker than thou bullshit. drinking til you vomit does not make you cool. certainly not when it's the trendy thing to do. i may have been the only one there not vomiting. setting shit on fire is fun- but don't fuckin do that in people's homes. for fuck's sake, i know these kids weren't around for the killtime, but it was the same type of disrespect that got that shut down.
if anyone can explain these mysteries, please, get on it. enlighten my ass.
furthermore. there is nothing counterrevolutionary about running a bar of soap acrost your ass. nothing. i promise.
i'm too lazy to bitch further. but i have a mission for you. it seems as though there are some 1034987349756356098 new girls on here since i last checked it out. tell me the good sets to check out!
eek! foodservice has a birthday coming up on tuesday. please please please go wish his butt a happy birthday!!!
