I seem to have done it again.
I have this stupid idiotic streak of thinking way too much into things and hoping that something that isnt there is. I cant seem to stop doing it and it just makes everyone feel worse.
I had this idea in my head about someone and as usual i was wrong, she is a wonderful woman and im glad happy that i have met her and that we are friends. I did this to myself even though i was shouting at myself not too. I wish i knew how to stop it.
Everybody keeps telling me that i will find the right person but i keep doing this to myself and it just causes me to think that im never going to find that person.
I have been single for so long that i wouldnt know what to do if i ever met something and im scared that i will just ruin everything like i always seem to do.
I think i need help.

I have this stupid idiotic streak of thinking way too much into things and hoping that something that isnt there is. I cant seem to stop doing it and it just makes everyone feel worse.
I had this idea in my head about someone and as usual i was wrong, she is a wonderful woman and im glad happy that i have met her and that we are friends. I did this to myself even though i was shouting at myself not too. I wish i knew how to stop it.
Everybody keeps telling me that i will find the right person but i keep doing this to myself and it just causes me to think that im never going to find that person.
I have been single for so long that i wouldnt know what to do if i ever met something and im scared that i will just ruin everything like i always seem to do.
I think i need help.

Best of luck man, ever feel the need to vent to someone who understands you know where I am.
SG IS NOT A DATING SITE i think you need to get that sorted in your head,it is a place to make friends thou i say keep it at that and with friendship love might develop.I guess that you msn most gurlies on here to chat,i tell you something for free INTERNET AND ROMANCE is a no go zone.
If you are so desperate for love get yourself to a dating agency where they can match you up with somebody who has the same interests as yourself.If you continue to hit on girls on here you will probably become a lovesick internet stalker and you don,t want that.
I hope i haven,t offended you but i think you need telling.
When blogging express yourself in a happier way and fill it with things that make you happy you will feel a lot better