It's always sunny in fucking Denver!!!
ok so not really I'm just way psyched about the season premier of "IT's always sunny in Philedelphia" on thursday. So I got a little more info about Nova. The doctors are calling her a "third baby". She's got a third chance of pulling through and being completely ok. She's got a third chance of never being recovoring but she'll function fine on meds. And she's got a third chance of needing a heart transplant. It all depends on her and how shes pulls through. She got a super cocktail protein shot to boost her immune system so we'll see what happens. Keep praying and sending the good vibes/energy.. whatever it is you do. I swear I'm abut to sell my soul to make sure my little girl has the life she deserves that I'm incapable of providing her. Any ways I promise to get more pics of her up soon so you can see the whole ordeal. I'm working at club called club x come check me out if your in the area and give me your money bitches.... anyways I've been working every night so I havnt reall had a chance to make any friends.. so if your in the area please please get ahold of me.... I'm lonley.. not really I got my roomate but thats it.. He's a good pet bear... hehe. Anyways I can see myself starting to go a little nuts so forgive me if I seem a little odd. My heads been going strange places.. guess after all these years I'm finally starting to lose it a little.. but it's ok cause I entertain myself and crack myself up... anyways i better go before I go off on a crazy tangent I've known for latly... and If you come see me at work dont purpose to me... thats dumb......