today has been really hard.. I finally did take an hour nap. and then got a call from tyler that nova's in the PICU and he was crying so hard I couldn't understand the rest.. I told him I'd be there in 5 minutes. When I got there I found out that her hearts failing. What happened is she got a viral infection.. We're still not sure what.. but it affected her heart so one of the chambers is to small.. Her heart isnt pumping right to deliver her metobolic needs. It's very possible that my daughter could die if they cant keep her stabalized. Right now she's on a life flight to Denver Children's Hospital. Her dad is with her. I'm driving down there tomarrow. So far they have tubes going into her neck and down to her heart pumping medication to it to keep it beating somewhat normally. She's on oxygen cause her hearts not pumpming right there's a bunch of fluid on her lungs and she's struggling and fighting so hard to breathe.. When they get to denver their gonna run more tests and keep her on medication. But if it doesnt work she may have to have heart surgery or maybe even a transplant. The doctors said theres nothing we could have done differently to keep this from happening.. That this kind of thing happens.. It's rare but it does happen.. So please I don't care if you believe in god or not...I don't even care which god or godess you do believe in.. It's proved by science that collective prayer works.. So please pray pray pray... for my daughter mostly but also for tyler and I to help us get through this together... check out my pics to see pics of her through this ordeal... I'll update as much as I can.. Thank you for taking the time to read this.. I don't know what I'm gonna do if she doesnt pull through.. She's my only reason for living
I most certainly will pray for her, tyler and you.