Well it is November 25 and winter is here. It tricky this year. It has been abnormaly warm for a while, and then over night it drops to -8 and there is snow and rain and ice.

Wow, mother nature amazes me.

I never feel so alive than when i brave sub zero temps with snow blowing in my face. Really!

At school, i park...
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ugh....winter here is pretty crappy and i hate it...

i used to have to walk up a decent distance to and from the parking lot to school...then someone with an upper lot space fucked up and got his space revoked and i happened to be #1 on the waiting list.....

i could deal without cable tv....but take away my cable internet and i shall kill you EL SUICIDO LOCO

deep fried candy bars?!!!! eeek wow. and i though deep fried ice cream was weird...
Close. Very close. I live in Medicine Hat, which is the true redneck capital. More giant 4WD trucks than you can shake a stick at, and less ethnicity than could shake a stick at you.

I actually grew up on a farm just outside of a small town named Seven Persons, (just 1/2 an hour from "the Hat"). I went to an all cowboy school, and I was one of like three little skater punks that got picked on. Most of my friends lived in town anyways. (Silly footnote. I vowed that I would never listen to country music when I lived there. Now, I find myself really being drawn to bluegrass stuff like AA Soundsystem, and Nathan. I guess you can't escape your roots. I still hate pop country and all that garbage.)

Funny you should mention thrift store shopping, cause we just returned from "Midnight Madness". (Every year before Christmas, downtown keeps all their businesses open till midnight with sales and stuff.) Regularily downtown is so dead, but on "Midnight Madness" a lot of people go down there, and they block off traffic and everyone just walks around and shops. Well, just so you know, things were kind of shutting down at 10:15, thats how old the population of this town is. It's kind of a retirement town. Oh well, it's still cool here, (in an uncool kind of way). We went to Salvation Army, and a few pawn shops, but I didn't really buy anything cause I'm a good boy who saves his money.

Um, not to insult you or anything, but do you consider -8 to be cold? Maybe it's just cause it's beginning of winter, and you're used to warm weather, so when -8 hits, it feels coder than it really is. Cause, um, it's not really cold here until -20. Some days we actually get -40(although not yet this year, thankfully). Actually, the air is pretty dry here, and I think that makes a big difference. You know how people always say "Yeah, but it's a DRY heat"? Well it works both ways.

I usually like the winter. I love snowboarding and sledding, and all the other stuff. But I work outdoors a lot (I'm an electrician), and most of the houses I work in have no power (Which is why I'm there), and thus... no heat. It's often colder inside than out, and to my dismay, I have found myself growing to dread the cold.

Yes, no tv and no beer make Homer something something. I have given up cable as well, and I feel much better because of it. I used to tell myself that I only had cable for Simpsons, and Motorcycle Racing, but I would sit there and watch it even when nothing good was on. What a waste of time. Some days I miss it, but really I'm better off without. (I just need to find a way to watch my races).

Also, it was right of you to eat that pineapple. You should have heard the shit it was talking about you. I used to hate pineapple, until I had a fresh one. I tell you, for my money, nothing beats fresh pineapple. Soooo good.

Soooo, you have beautiful, dark, messy hair eh? That's hot. blush
yA I had to change my name back. I just wasnt the same.

Nothing was comfortable. Is like being forced to wear high heels when you want to wear skate shoes.

Maybe my next journal will have something incredibly intereseting ..and then again maybe not
Yeah, I've found that the ideal answer to the profile questions changes from day to day, depending on how the world treats you.

How did this guy screw you over, if you don't mind my asking. If it's too personal, then by all means you aren't obligated to tell me.

Anyways, you do seem to be a really pleasant person. I obviously don't know you very well or anything, but I like that you have positive things to say, and it's generally been pretty uplifting for me to hear from you. Thanks. You're sweet. And take it from me, sweet will get you hurt. I'm sweet too. I guess everyone gets hurt, but it's how you handle it that shows your personality. What a disjointed paragraph this has been. Welcome to my head.
You're name is back! Good to see you again! As soon as I got used to the first name change, you went and did it again! I'd scold you, but I'm not really one to talk.
Winter is coming, and i have began to go into hybernation. i hope i spelt that right.

If you dont already know i am dyslexsic...i try, i really do.

Anyways hybernation..ya it's great, most of the time.
It gets dark at like 5:30...and its cold..and i want to do nothing but sleep, and lie around and eat.

It would be better if you shack up...
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You forgot the hot chocolate! Blankets, a warm fire, a hot individual to cuddle with, and hot cocoa, with minimarshmallows. It's an essential, yet often overlooked, piece of the equation.
I love winter too!!
Now i know why i am so lonely.
Sweetness is just another way of saying i will screw you.

i put myself out there out of free will, trusting and will to give to others, and i get fucked in the ass.

More angry than ever
Why do people screw others over??

do you have to be so shallow, or stupid??

or just immature and...
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Ah, the girl of many monikers. You should change your name every day, just to keep people on their toes.

How on earth did this Jerky McJerkerson discover your name on here, and know that it was you. Without any pictures he would have to be a pretty good stalker.

Sounds like you need a kind of witness protection program, or like suicide protection program.

Yeah, I need about an hour in the morning also. I like to ease into my day. A relaxing shower, good breakfast, a little music.

I went to Japan with a friend of mine about 4 years ago. The plan was to find jobs and just kind of check the place out. Luckily, he had been there a couple of times, and he was teaching himself the language. (He are smart)

The previous time he had been there, he worked at the Capenwray, which is an international Bible school/ center for groups to have retreats and stuff, and so, when Tanazawa (The owner of said establishment) found out he was coming, he offered that we could stay and work there for room and board, and a little extra spending money (like a couple hundred bucks a week, which was a lot, cause we didn't have to really spend anything.)

We served meals, did housekeeping and renovation stuff, and a lot of maintenance and yardwork. (The coolest thing was that I got to design and build a brick layout for a spanish style garden.)

Anyways, the area where we lived was kind of a resort town (like Banff) at the base of mount Fuji, so it wasn't all crowded like Tokyo, and it actually felt like home. Tanazawa and his family all spoke very adequate english, and so we got around fine. It was a lot of fun, cause I too am just enamoured by Japanese culture and style and stuff. Japan was really the only place I really wanted to travel so badly that I actually did it.

I absolutely despise the current mustang. The new one has a much better front end, but still lacks independant rear suspension (translation- It steers like a pig by the tail.) I too feel that Ford has very little to offer me. In fact I don't really like any current American cars. The old muscle cars are cool (Not all of them though, still hate the Mustangs) I like little Japanese cars (not all of them though, cause the Civic is stupid). I would say that there aren't many categories of anything of which I like everything in them. (huh?) I'm quite discriminating in my tastes (not like racial or sexual discrimination), but something has to pass rigerous scruteny and prove itself worthwhile before I will give it the COOL stamp of approval. My friends and I are notoriously hard on movies and music and pop culture. In fact, that may be a little part of why not too many of us have girlfriends. We probably come off as sounding pretty harsh, but really, we just don't accept something because it's "new and improved", or because everyone else likes it.

Wow, talk about a rant. This probably belongs in my journal more than it does in yours. I think I might steal a portion of it for my own use... if that's ok with you. wink

skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa
Hehe, I might just change my alias too. You didn't think changing your alias would draw that much attention did ya?

Hey, when are we gonna see pics of your tattoos?

I agree with your idea of wanting to be in love and I will add to that I don't neccessarily want to be loved in return although it would be nice. I can deal with the non-reciprocity of love if I'm blindly in love which I have been. Man, the landing was tough on that last dump though. whew!!
ummm ya well i have this dilmma..but really who cares.

Shit my whole life could be a dilmma if i wanted it to be.

I am tried, worn and still trying to keep a smile on my face.

i should be working right now....

I think i have a new interest, but most definity the scarest one.

I can not function where there may be...
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I know what you mean about not being able to function when there may be chemistry. If I have no vested interest in a girl, then I feel natural and I'm witty, and I am confident. However, when I think that a girl might like me, I turn into the biggest freak. I analyze everything I do, and everything she says, and I ask, "does this mean something?"

I don't know, I think that the mix of my insecurity and my openness can get me into trouble. Like right now, I'm opening myself up and making myself vulnerable to someone I don't really know. The problem with me is I tire of small talk and superficial conversations about local sports teams.

It says that you like muscle cars in your profile. Any particular favorites? I am more partial to well handleing track cars, but my Dad has always been a big Dodge/ Mopar guy. His 68' Plymouth sport satellite with a 440 runs high 12 sec 1/4 mile on street tires. It's very fast and fun. So I have a lot of respect for muscle cars, and there will always be a soft spot in my heart for them.

Good luck with your dilemma. oink Here's a good luck piggy. YAY!

[Edited on Nov 18, 2004 11:41PM]
i know what you mean about the toque tainting. i finally splurged and bought a new one. i'm also partial to the brimmed ones. my kitty one is a little big for my peehead, but it'll do.

thanks. i hope i feel beter soon too. right now i feel like my head and insides might explode. puke

so flu shot.... soreness is normal and it'll go away in a few days. can you not physically lift your arm or it just hurts like a fucker when you do? if its the first one, check for swelling and redness in your joints. if you've got both... i'd go see your doctor. fo sho!

Shit some of the girls on here a soo hot.

makes me remember the fact that the picking a very slim.

do heavy tattoed people populate certain areas?? cause i am not living in the right one.

Sometimes i feel like a freak because i am like one of the few girls i have seen out here so heavy covered. i need people to reflect...
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It's funny you should mention that about video games. It became an issue between my ex girlfriend and I that, while only part of a larger issue, we never really got past.

This is not to say that I spend exhorbinate (sp?) amounts of time playing video games. In fact, even though I played a lot as a kid, I wouldn't really call myself a "gamer". There is in fact only one game that I really ever play (Halo). There is a long running joke among my friends in referring to the X-BOX as a "Halo-TV adapter.

The draw to play halo comes a lot from my love of science fiction lore, and the HUGE history behind the storyline prevalent in all of Bungies games. Another aspect that has drawn my friends and I to this one game is the community involvement and comraderie surrounding Halo players. It's an excuse for friends to get together and play games and eat snacks and work together/ kill each other. As someone who doesn't drink, dance, or enjoy the bar scene this is a good way for us to get together and have a good time.

Check out www.7hr33.org and read the short wright-up in the "background" section, and I think it'll help you understand. (if in fact you care to understand at all, cause I'm pretty sure that she didn't)

Some people would argue that a video game lacks substance because it isn't real. I think it's important (especially with violent video games) to be able to see that it obviously is not real, but I would argue that a video game can be as real an experience as a book or movie, and perhaps even more so because you can actually control the outcome to a certain degree. Think of it as a visual role playing game (as if that makes me any less of a geek smile )

On a seperate note, I too hope that the world becomes more accepting towards tattoo's and body art in general. I have long wanted to get a tattoo, but I want it to be something that suits me as a person, and I want to actually design it (otherwise I would feel like I'm stealing) I just haven't been able to come up with the right thing yet.

I had an idea the other day, I think a cool tattoo would be a large black circle on the back of each shoulder, with smaller circles over each elbow, and a black line connecting them together Then, the same behind each knee, then lines again connecting the shoulders to the back to the knees. I'll have to try drawing it on myself someday and check it out. I think I like the minimalism of it though. What do you think?

I'd like to see what you've got for tattoos, It sounds pretty thorough and cool.
So i lose it this morning...it may have been right person, wronge time, or maybe right person, wronge way of dealing with.

My neightbour, from here on out known as "hag woman". Hag woman live across the street from me. Every morning we are outside at the same time, you know, scraping off frost, warming up the car.

Anyways Hag woman is what we call...
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Good work. There are way too many people out there like her, and not enough people step up and tell them that they are shitty parents. Myself, I am without a backbone, so I would have just made faces to her behind her back, and think to myself how much I hate her.

The sad truth is that there are a lot of people out there who aren't fit to own a goldfish, let alone mature enough to raise children. It makes me shudder to think of how maladjusted her kids could grow up to be if this is how they percieve relationships to be.

You gotta have a liscence to drive a car, but anyone can raise children.

I think you should organize a town stoning. Where everybody gets together, and bludgeons her with projectile rocks. It'll be a perfect time to get to know your neighbors, have a little fun, and give that hag bitch what she she deserves. You can even have a potluck dinner.
My tattoo is at that ichy stage. If anyone could help please let me know. My right hand is twiching cause it is so ichy. i think this has to be the worst.

My life has become ever so uneventful.

I ran into a old friend just the other day.

I remember how i fell in love with his best friend,

And forgot until yesterday....
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So what I should do, is just work up a good sweat, then head to the bar and hoist up the jukebox? Ok, if you insist.

What kind of lotion have you been using on your tat?

EDIT: I recommend the water based vaseline intensive care without alo vera, to prevent damage to the tat, and also some topical lidocaine to take care of the itching.

[Edited on Nov 15, 2004 2:27AM]
I use Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion too but I've always had itching, Maybe that topical lidocaine is the key.
i got my chest tattoo finished off today.

Does anyone else see the senuality in having a tattoo done?

People think i m crazy. When i strenched my ears i was in euphoria.

I would sit in class, at lunch in my car, movies, wherever rubbing my ears making orgamic sounds.

I want another tattoo right now.
Hey thanks for the compliments. Sounds like you have quite a bit of work done, gonna put pics up sometime?
hey a while ago you said this

ok for the hair growth thing:
1. apple cider vinegar and sage tea rinse for your hair.
2. eat foods rish in Biotin, like brown rice, grren peas, lentials, oats, sunflower seed ( the natural kind) and walnuts.
3. lie upside down for 15 mintues a day and rub your head.
4. do not use unnatural products in your hair.
5. take vitamin B AND C.

i am so happy you got to jam.
good luck on your tests.
i hope i helped with the hair growth thing.

does that also promote new growth or does it just help current hairs grow longer?
Love is beautiful in a forgin land

disapates like fog

hurts true, and forever longing

my indigestion from constant hunger

And when this is the time

fall well into

and break yourself.

my mind is a constant battle ground

and your style is alway sweet

Movements and glories

into the past
and when shall weep.
Your journal entries kick so much ass. I never know what to say to them, but I like to reread them. And yes, you do know me, I just changed my name.
Yeah, I thought the new identity might surprise some people. I'm thinking about changing it again someday. Then changing my whole profile. After that, I'll remove every body from my friends list, and make wierd post in all of your journals, so you're like, "who the hell is this guy???"

The only problem with that is then I would have no friends frown .