Wednesday Mar 18, 2009 Mar 18, 2009 0 Facebook Tweet Email Holy hell. I am so glad to be back in Tennessee. And I don't have an accent. Went to Chicago and some other places for a few days. Spent too damn much time in Indiana. But now I am home. I just can't sleep. VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS ladyaurale: Hello there! Welcome to Nashville... home of whatever the fuck they've decided this week. What'd you go to school for? And can I kidnap you for lunch with some SG folks in the not to distant future? We're gonna have a meetup if I have to take incriminating photos to blackmail everyone with! Mar 31, 2009 topazsky: Sounds good. I'm always up for meeting new people! Mar 31, 2009
Welcome to Nashville... home of whatever the fuck they've decided this week.
What'd you go to school for?
And can I kidnap you for lunch with some SG folks in the not to distant future?
We're gonna have a meetup if I have to take incriminating photos to blackmail everyone with!