I just bought my one day pass to Hell City!! (I have to drive, I can only do one day.) I'm going Saturday, and I am super excited! I can't get tattooed because I can't afford it, but I am thinking of entering my clock tattoo in the small color contest. I just wonder how small is small? It's not 2x2, but it's definitely not...
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It's the season of giving. No matter what holiday you celebrate this time of year, the idea of giving is universal. So (in the slight chance that someone reads this) I am posting a link to a hilarious blog.Cake Wrecks is a site of professional cakes that look horrible. But for 2 weeks, they have a charity a day and are asking the readers...
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I move in about 5 weeks. Holy shit. Right now I am just trying to get through my classes and not cry at work when I think about leaving. (We're like family.)
My mom had knee replacement surgery yesterday, so she's down for awhile. I'm trying to take care of her as much as I can while I am still here. I'm just moving 3...
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My mom had knee replacement surgery yesterday, so she's down for awhile. I'm trying to take care of her as much as I can while I am still here. I'm just moving 3...
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I got a new tattoo last week. I have 2 months to get my next one, because November has a Friday the 13th and I want my 13th tattoo on that day. I wanted a tattoo Wednesday (9.9.09) because I love numbers and I got one last year on 8.8.08 (but I didn't get one.) I got it that day because it was my ex's...
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I'm over it. I'm over not knowing if I'm being lied to or if the truth is being told. When two people I am supposed to be able to trust (but who have both lied before) are telling me conflicting stories, someone has to be lying. If one is lying, it's to start shit, and if the other is lying, it's to cover their own...
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One day I'll have a nice, happy blog. One day.
So as I previously mentioned, I suffer from depression. And it's not getting better. Tomorrow I leave on a trip to the midwest, apparently, because we've never been there and couldn't decide where else to go. I do not want to go on this trip, but my best friend is so excited. People at work...
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So as I previously mentioned, I suffer from depression. And it's not getting better. Tomorrow I leave on a trip to the midwest, apparently, because we've never been there and couldn't decide where else to go. I do not want to go on this trip, but my best friend is so excited. People at work...
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Why do I bother? I live with my father and brother and my father tries to dictate everything. I slept late today (finally got out of bed around 11:30, but was awake earlier) and got on the computer. At 11:50-ish, I was responding to a friend's message when my father knocks on my door wanting do know if I'm going to sleep all day. He...
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heh. i know the feeling about the listening thing. i'm sorry. it's a shitty feeling, and you don't deserve that.
if you need to vent, you know where to find me.
if you need to vent, you know where to find me.
So I suffer from depression and sometimes I let it control my life. That's what's been going on lately. I had a breakdown yesterday morning and cried for about half an hour, so my goal today was just not to cry. I got through it. I now have a three day weekend before my vacation, and I am going to stay at home and do...
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absolutely nothing is a wonderful thing to do. and, if you're like me, it helps a ton. hang in there, chica. i'm rooting for you.
You know it's bad when your mom is at the hospital and you're worried about work. But my mom is ok and I still have a job, even if they weren't very happy with me. I've been all freaked out, irritated, and crying, which is due in equal parts to stress and pms. I'm just waiting for things to get better.
My mom is doing better today! Yay!
But on to the other parental unit. My father is a closed-minded asshole, and I've known this my whole life. I recorded Tattoo Highway last night because apparently I like bad television and my father mentioned it to me today. I stopped him, but he is DISGUSTED with tattoos. And I don't understand. It's not like I'm killing...
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But on to the other parental unit. My father is a closed-minded asshole, and I've known this my whole life. I recorded Tattoo Highway last night because apparently I like bad television and my father mentioned it to me today. I stopped him, but he is DISGUSTED with tattoos. And I don't understand. It's not like I'm killing...
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hm. my mom's sort of the same way, about tattoos and homosexuality both. she's a little more lenient about it, though, in that she (mostly) realizes i don't share her views and that's not the end of the world. she still sends me "get right with god" chain mails though, which annoys the shit out of me. but i guess that's why they invented the delete button.
i dunno. i've always tried to be pretty tolerant of people - just because they don't agree with me doesn't make them wrong. even in cases like that, where their beliefs really piss me off for the most part. unless they directly have an impact on myself or someone i care about, i generally just try to let it go. and vent my frustration with the shortcomings and failures of the human race in ways other than lecturing people about their empty fucking heads. which, translated to simpler terms, means: i drink a lot and try not to beat the shit out of people
yeah. i'm sure that's healthy as hell.
i dunno. i've always tried to be pretty tolerant of people - just because they don't agree with me doesn't make them wrong. even in cases like that, where their beliefs really piss me off for the most part. unless they directly have an impact on myself or someone i care about, i generally just try to let it go. and vent my frustration with the shortcomings and failures of the human race in ways other than lecturing people about their empty fucking heads. which, translated to simpler terms, means: i drink a lot and try not to beat the shit out of people
yeah. i'm sure that's healthy as hell.
Woke up to many texts and voicemails today. My mom had a doctor's appointment and they told her to come in anytime. I had a touch-up appointment that is just down the road from the hospital, so the plan was to drop her off and go get my touch up and pick her up. This was not the case. At 8am the dr called and...
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i hate people who don't hold doors. really fucking hate them. one of my biggest pet peeves.
is your mom still doing alright?
is your mom still doing alright?