We meet again! It is the end of the week and as promised I will be revealing the answer to Ruin mystery set: Part 2
If you are reading this blog and you're like wtf is she talking about...well let me clue you in!
@tulfanbru gave me this idea for a game, it's called Ruin mystery set and basically you have to guess from the hints I give you each week and once each part is complete, I will be revealing a preview picture of my new and FIFTH set. Click me for more info
There are 3 parts + the title that you are guessing. Here is Part 1 if you are just now playing.
I chose a riddle for this week's hint
These come in all different shapes and sizes,
A variety of colors,
Some even smell.
Only had a few people participate... which has me thinking you guys are
1) not into the game anymore
2) riddles aren't your thing?
Either way you'll get the answer which is....
***Even though candles wasn't the answer I was looking for, you are also right because there are some in the set as well just not used as props***
Here's a tiny reveal of the flowers used, had a little fun editing this one :D
1 month until this mystery set shot by my favorite babe @tinamay is LIVE in member review!!!
...Part 3, here we comeeee!