Ooooo! I'm getting a caca-load of Famous Stars and Straps paraphernilia from Travis Barker's manager's neighbor ... I'm gonna pee pee my panties. Jackets, hats, shirts, stickers, bracelets. So excited. Once again ... I will be a walking, breathing, tootsiful advertisement. Oh freakin' hell yea.
... if only I could get a caca-load of Suicide Girls stuff.
Oh yea! ... I'm going to Glamis for Halloween! Taking the 50 and YZF 250 ... braaaaaap. I will be the chik riding in a bikini, thank you very much. There will be a lot of beer drinking and nakedness, not necessarily in that order. Tee hee ....
*Note: Feel free to replace "caca" in the above mentioned paragraphs with your favorite four letter word. Ooo, my journal is becoming interactive, oOooOo.
... if only I could get a caca-load of Suicide Girls stuff.

Oh yea! ... I'm going to Glamis for Halloween! Taking the 50 and YZF 250 ... braaaaaap. I will be the chik riding in a bikini, thank you very much. There will be a lot of beer drinking and nakedness, not necessarily in that order. Tee hee ....
*Note: Feel free to replace "caca" in the above mentioned paragraphs with your favorite four letter word. Ooo, my journal is becoming interactive, oOooOo.

I got a ride AND a tattoo! I will have pics up of the tattoo soon, maybe tonight! Have you had Mike tattoo you? You should!! And it looks like I WAS going to see you on fri, but not now? Oh well, have fun whatever you do!
Thanx it was at comic con a few years back, I like your drawings. It was nice to meet you on tue....well kinda meet.