Goodness me, Fox has a ton of content for the show this season already. Of course it took them a while to get pictures up, and those things are worth a million words, so I like to use them. Remember, these are in order of my favorites, not when they danced during the show. Oh, and I only really focus on the girls. It's the wife's job to obsess over the guys. Without further ado, let's get down to the nitty gritty.
Megan Mullally what? Cool, I'll take it. Hopefully the celebrity/guest judges this season are worth the seat the give them.
Melanie Moore

Okay, I fully admit a strong bias towards Melanie from pretty much the first moment I saw her. She is probably going to very difficult to unseat from my top position, and this is a disgustingly talented group of ladies. She just has that special something for me. I imagine she smells really good. Like jasmine and whiskey or something. Shut up and let an old man dream.

Her partner Marko Germar likes Kathryn from season 6, so he's alright with me. And Travis choreography! I'm just a goddamn sucker for Wall's work. Chills and a little teary.... Two of the things I love about this show. That was pure art, and it lies partly with those two dancers and partly with Travis. We're back!
Jordan Casanova

Okay, so you know that thing some dancers have where you see them not dancing and think, "Oh, there's a slightly attractive/interesting/boring/off-putting person" and then sort of move on? But then you see them dance and you're pretty much transfixed and they're suddenly the hottest person ever? You know that? Well, this girl has that. So, first official crush of the season. Also, happy belated birthday.

Her African Jazz with Tadd Gadduang was a good way to start the show. I felt they both did well and made a strong showing of it. Which might be the case for most of the dancers this season. We shall see.
Ryan Ramirez

Ah yes, my blonde crush. It's nice of the show to include one every season. In the grand tradition of dancers like Assington, this girl is super talented, but I worry if she'll be able to handle the rigors of a full season, but physically and emotionally. Whatever, look at that hair. And she's an SVU fan! Sweet.

And we have our first officially challenging sounding dance number. Two contemporary dancers (Ricky Jaime sounds like a porn star name...for a chick) in a lyrical hip hop piece. Well, it's lyrical, so they'll have something to fall back on. Aaaand they killed it. And I saw up Ryan's skirt a bunch. So everybody wins. Mainly me.
Sasha Mallory

Sasha's got loads of personality and her audition story with her sister was awesome. She can also dance her damn ass off. Shocking, right?

A Travis Wall contemporary piece is a nice way to start things of for Sasha and Alexander Fost (or any dancer, really). And it certainly didn't take long for me to get my first tingles of the season. Strong piece and an emotional connection to it that I quite, quite enjoyed.
Missy Morelli

AKA Olivia Wilde lite, AKA the sexy one. Well, okay, I'm going to have a hard time not liking you if you call yourself the sexy one. But I don't have much invested in her yet and I'm not sure she can carry a number along.

So how do she and Wadi Jones (the most NFL-named contestant ever) fare in their Cheeseman jazz number? I think I'm going to like this duo because that was awesome. They can dance so well out of their styles that I am suddenly very, very scared for a lot of the other dancers. Bravo.
Clarice Ordaz

She sort of flew under the radar until the end of auditions, but she's got some serious star power. In a very Nigel moment, I'll say she's a gorgeous gal and a gorgeous dancer. Oh, and she also sort of reminds me of the female lead from Being Human which I'm certainly fine with.

Her and Broadway baby Jess LeProtto, huh? Let's see how this pans out.... Oh, it's a Tice Broadway number. Of course. And we have our first unrequited love story as well. Super. While I wasn't transfixed (I mean, Broadway after all), they lit up the stage. And Clarice is really, really pretty. So, there's that too.
Miranda Maleski

An under the radar gal. On the other hand, I have a soft spot for curly-haired dancers. And everyone loves an underdog (which is sort of a ridiculous statement because how are you an underdog when everyone loves you). Let's see how she does in her...

Jive routine with Robert Taylor Jr, otherwise known as Wooo Man or the oldest contestant this season. Hope he doesn't have a heart attack.... Holy shit, that was really good! They certainly rose to the challenge, especially in week 1. They also both just moved, ever so incrementally, up my scale. Fantastic work.
Caitlynn Lawson

I must admit this one flew under the radar almost completely for me until the top 20 were announced. She's sort of an unknown quantity that oddly reminds me of a few different actresses.

Poor Mitchell Kelly. Injured in the first week. Ah well, it happens to the best of them. At least it's easy to pick a least favorite guy, because we didn't see him dance! Anyhow, I'm always happy to see a Sonya piece and it's not much of a surprise she hurt somebody. And we get good old Season 7 Robert! Caitlynn (that spelling is going to drive me crazy) lacks some strength and training, but she laid it all out on this piece, so she can stay. Maybe.
Ashley Rich

Damn girl! She is a stunner AND cute as a button, but I don't remember much beyond that about her. But that's okay, I'm sure, because this season has yet to let me down.

Chris Koehl has some truly unfortunate facial hair, but I do remember that he CAN dance, so I have a feeling this Chris Scott hip-hip number will be good.... And, it was? Well, it was a bit. The story and the dancing weren't really connected, which may hurt them a bit. I loved the old school dance moves and they were both challenged, which is a huge part of the show.
Iveta Lukosiute

Ah, the time honored tradition of the wife's hated Russian dancer. Sure, she's Lithuanian, but whatever. She's the only ballroom dancer (and a multi-champion at that). She's 30. She's sorta scary-looking. But she's also kind of funny!

And she's dancing the quickstep. With Nick Young (funny, I thought he was too busy playing guard for the Washington Wizards and not being a gawky white tap dancer), the wife's favorite. Oh, how torn she must have been last night watching them do a pretty passable job of that dreaded dance. Nick only looked like he wanted to shit his pants about three times. What a triumph!
Week 1 cuts: Iveta and Mitchell.The hated ballroom foreigner and the hurt guy. I went for the personally easy picks, but I don't think I'll be exactly right. And it only gets harder from here! Happy watching.
Goodness me, Fox has a ton of content for the show this season already. Of course it took them a while to get pictures up, and those things are worth a million words, so I like to use them. Remember, these are in order of my favorites, not when they danced during the show. Oh, and I only really focus on the girls. It's the wife's job to obsess over the guys. Without further ado, let's get down to the nitty gritty.
Megan Mullally what? Cool, I'll take it. Hopefully the celebrity/guest judges this season are worth the seat the give them.
Melanie Moore

Okay, I fully admit a strong bias towards Melanie from pretty much the first moment I saw her. She is probably going to very difficult to unseat from my top position, and this is a disgustingly talented group of ladies. She just has that special something for me. I imagine she smells really good. Like jasmine and whiskey or something. Shut up and let an old man dream.

Her partner Marko Germar likes Kathryn from season 6, so he's alright with me. And Travis choreography! I'm just a goddamn sucker for Wall's work. Chills and a little teary.... Two of the things I love about this show. That was pure art, and it lies partly with those two dancers and partly with Travis. We're back!
Jordan Casanova

Okay, so you know that thing some dancers have where you see them not dancing and think, "Oh, there's a slightly attractive/interesting/boring/off-putting person" and then sort of move on? But then you see them dance and you're pretty much transfixed and they're suddenly the hottest person ever? You know that? Well, this girl has that. So, first official crush of the season. Also, happy belated birthday.

Her African Jazz with Tadd Gadduang was a good way to start the show. I felt they both did well and made a strong showing of it. Which might be the case for most of the dancers this season. We shall see.
Ryan Ramirez

Ah yes, my blonde crush. It's nice of the show to include one every season. In the grand tradition of dancers like Assington, this girl is super talented, but I worry if she'll be able to handle the rigors of a full season, but physically and emotionally. Whatever, look at that hair. And she's an SVU fan! Sweet.

And we have our first officially challenging sounding dance number. Two contemporary dancers (Ricky Jaime sounds like a porn star name...for a chick) in a lyrical hip hop piece. Well, it's lyrical, so they'll have something to fall back on. Aaaand they killed it. And I saw up Ryan's skirt a bunch. So everybody wins. Mainly me.
Sasha Mallory

Sasha's got loads of personality and her audition story with her sister was awesome. She can also dance her damn ass off. Shocking, right?

A Travis Wall contemporary piece is a nice way to start things of for Sasha and Alexander Fost (or any dancer, really). And it certainly didn't take long for me to get my first tingles of the season. Strong piece and an emotional connection to it that I quite, quite enjoyed.
Missy Morelli

AKA Olivia Wilde lite, AKA the sexy one. Well, okay, I'm going to have a hard time not liking you if you call yourself the sexy one. But I don't have much invested in her yet and I'm not sure she can carry a number along.

So how do she and Wadi Jones (the most NFL-named contestant ever) fare in their Cheeseman jazz number? I think I'm going to like this duo because that was awesome. They can dance so well out of their styles that I am suddenly very, very scared for a lot of the other dancers. Bravo.
Clarice Ordaz

She sort of flew under the radar until the end of auditions, but she's got some serious star power. In a very Nigel moment, I'll say she's a gorgeous gal and a gorgeous dancer. Oh, and she also sort of reminds me of the female lead from Being Human which I'm certainly fine with.

Her and Broadway baby Jess LeProtto, huh? Let's see how this pans out.... Oh, it's a Tice Broadway number. Of course. And we have our first unrequited love story as well. Super. While I wasn't transfixed (I mean, Broadway after all), they lit up the stage. And Clarice is really, really pretty. So, there's that too.
Miranda Maleski

An under the radar gal. On the other hand, I have a soft spot for curly-haired dancers. And everyone loves an underdog (which is sort of a ridiculous statement because how are you an underdog when everyone loves you). Let's see how she does in her...

Jive routine with Robert Taylor Jr, otherwise known as Wooo Man or the oldest contestant this season. Hope he doesn't have a heart attack.... Holy shit, that was really good! They certainly rose to the challenge, especially in week 1. They also both just moved, ever so incrementally, up my scale. Fantastic work.
Caitlynn Lawson

I must admit this one flew under the radar almost completely for me until the top 20 were announced. She's sort of an unknown quantity that oddly reminds me of a few different actresses.

Poor Mitchell Kelly. Injured in the first week. Ah well, it happens to the best of them. At least it's easy to pick a least favorite guy, because we didn't see him dance! Anyhow, I'm always happy to see a Sonya piece and it's not much of a surprise she hurt somebody. And we get good old Season 7 Robert! Caitlynn (that spelling is going to drive me crazy) lacks some strength and training, but she laid it all out on this piece, so she can stay. Maybe.
Ashley Rich

Damn girl! She is a stunner AND cute as a button, but I don't remember much beyond that about her. But that's okay, I'm sure, because this season has yet to let me down.

Chris Koehl has some truly unfortunate facial hair, but I do remember that he CAN dance, so I have a feeling this Chris Scott hip-hip number will be good.... And, it was? Well, it was a bit. The story and the dancing weren't really connected, which may hurt them a bit. I loved the old school dance moves and they were both challenged, which is a huge part of the show.
Iveta Lukosiute

Ah, the time honored tradition of the wife's hated Russian dancer. Sure, she's Lithuanian, but whatever. She's the only ballroom dancer (and a multi-champion at that). She's 30. She's sorta scary-looking. But she's also kind of funny!

And she's dancing the quickstep. With Nick Young (funny, I thought he was too busy playing guard for the Washington Wizards and not being a gawky white tap dancer), the wife's favorite. Oh, how torn she must have been last night watching them do a pretty passable job of that dreaded dance. Nick only looked like he wanted to shit his pants about three times. What a triumph!
Week 1 cuts: Iveta and Mitchell.The hated ballroom foreigner and the hurt guy. I went for the personally easy picks, but I don't think I'll be exactly right. And it only gets harder from here! Happy watching.
So I've heard. So. I've. Heard.
Just call me Double Entendre Man, haha.