That show is done and I'm needing some outlet. I expect none of you to read this.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
73. An Explanatory Evening
The night crept in to New York city. Victoria Fowlers body was cremated, her ashes spread into the city's wind by members of Allan's clean-up crew. Kona Carmen slept the sleep of the deeply troubled. Georgina Bonners body was buried deep under the foundation of the Allan & Co. main building. Pris ate the late night meal brought to her by an attentive night nurse and then slipped into a healing slumber. Shauna fell asleep in Theos arms in front of her large television set, the two nestled happily in her safe, secure world. Ms. Allan herself, perturbed beyond sleep, sat up in her office into the wee hours of the morning, working with Jensal on straightening out the mess that surrounded her life. The leaders and followers of this grand game set down their tools and went to sleep. The city rested and prepared for a new day.
Halfway across the world, Jes and her Czech companion Jan sat in their prospective hotel rooms and waited for the call that would tell them Angel had returned from Africa. Much farther south, Angel struggled against the restraints that had been securely tied around her. Her muffled cries faded quickly into the deep jungle morning. She was carried to the village where Ka-rin, the one from Beyond, had been taken. After being administered a thick and heavy beverage, Angel fell into a light drugged sleep. Karin and the three with her were informed of the arrival of the strange red-haired one. Immediately, Karin knew that this was her ticket out of here.
74. Another Bad Morning
At 4:40 AM, Ms. Allan left her office and was driven home by one of her well-paid drivers. She collapsed into the large bed in one of her many penthouses around New York and slept soundly for a good four hours before a buzzing alarm awoke her at 9:00 AM. After finishing her morning ablutions and reading the early report from the main office, she called a car from her home garage. She ordered the car to her building and went straight to her inner office, ignoring the good mornings from several of her low to high level clerks.
Jensal waited patiently in her office. He sat comfortably in a high backed leather chair that Allan normally only allowed high standing guests to sit in. He smiled gamely at her as she crossed the room and sat behind her desk. Whats first on the list today? Allan asked her old-now-new right hand man.
A wire from our agents in Central Africa, Jensal replied, motioning to a sheet of paper in the middle of Allans desk. Apparently Angel Barris has been kidnapped by a local tribe.
The same that ate Dr. C? Allan asked offhandedly.
Jensal blanched. Im sorry? he said.
Happened while you were gone, Allan shrugged, The doctor was captured and possibly eaten by a cross-over tribe in Central Africa.
What was he doing there?
Personal interest, Allan said simply.
How could this happen? Jensal asked himself.
Is there a problem?
Slightly, Jensal said, looking at his boss from the corner of his shifty eyes. Dr. Carmen was needed.
Doctor what? Allan asked, the name sparking an immediate reaction.
Oops, said Jensal, covering his mouth with his hand.
Dr. Carmen, as in Kona Carmen? Allan pressed.
Jensal nodded his head slightly. Allan sat back in her chair. She slapped the butt of her palm against her forehead and widened her eyes.
I forgot about that particular point, Jensal murmured.
Get me Kona Carmen, now, Allan commanded Jensal, reverting back to old tactics quickly. No rough stuff.
You want her here, in person? Jensal asked.
Weve still got squads looking around for Ms. Tyler. Shall I call them off?
No, Allan answered, but if any of them screw up like last time, Ill have them killed.
Jensal nodded his understanding and left the room. Ms. Allans mind began working over the first real problem of the day
75. Convictions
The next morning Pris was released from the hospital into the care of Shauna Slate. The two women were driven to Shaunas home by Theo. He dropped them off and left immediately for an audition. The two women had the morning to talk about the last few days and clear some things up.
I cant believe it, was all Shauna could say when Pris had finished telling her the entire story. So many people dead...
Allans got to be stopped, Pris said angrily, the remembrance of so many deaths feeding her fire.
What are you going to do, Pris? This is Allan & Company were talking about, a huge corporation. I mean, she basically funds the government.
Ive got to find help from others like me, Pris said with conviction. Youve been there, in those rooms, and there are probably countless others. We need to band together, find each other. If there are enough of us, itll be impossible to ignore us. The world has to know, Shauna.
Why? the petite would-be movie star asked. Why should we cause more pain and suffering?
Why should we allow it to continue? Pris shot back.
Shauna shook her head, No Pris. Up until everything started to go awry, no one was being killed or even really harmed. Only after you and this Victoria started to remember did things go bad. Why do you want to keep it that way? Cant you just move on?
Allan killed six people in cold blood! Pris exclaimed, Right before my eyes! And she was going to kill me. Am I supposed to just sit back and let bygones be bygones? I cant do that! There are others out there like me, Shauna. People who want justice. And Im going to find them.
Good for you, Shauna said, blowing on her coffee. Save the world. Have fun. Dont involve me.
I cant count on you for help?
Of course you can, Shauna said, exasperated. Just dont ask me to take up a gun and fight.
Will you testify?
Shauna sighed. Sure, she said quietly.
Pris nodded, Good. Thanks. She put her almost finished coffee down and stood. Ive got to go now. Thank you so much for the help.
Any time.
Ill be in touch later, Pris said, heading for the door.
You can count on me, Pris.".
Pris smiled at her friend and left the house.
You can count on me, Shauna repeated softly, staring at her front door.
76. Pulling Together
A loud cry went up in the village. It was morning and the villagers were groggy from the night's celebration. A hunter had returned with something much more interesting that food. Over his shoulder he carried a petite red-haired woman, bound and gagged like an animal. Because the woman was well muscled, the hunter had tied her securely and drugged her so the villagers could come and observe his find close up. A young man ran off for On-leks hut with the news.
The hunter carried Angel to the middle of the village and set her down in the middle of a clearing. He stood above the woman and looked at his tribe mates happily. He thought he was big news; he did not know about Karin.
The four left On-leks hut and went quickly as one to the village clearing. The hunter, whom Mas-mar recognized as Tah-lah, a fine hunter, stood above the absconded woman triumphantly. His features became much darker and unreadable as the four approached him.
Who is this woman? Tah-lah asked in his loud booming voice. His indicated Karin with his spear point.
We could ask you the same thing, Kon-lar said sagely.
I found her sleeping in our territory, Tah-lah answered. I believe she is an American.
Karin squatted down on her haunches to inspect the woman. Tah-lah looked at Karin angrily.
And her? Tah-lah asked again.
I am Ka-rin, Karin said, standing and answering the hunter in his own language, from Beyond.
The hunter looked into the womans dark eyes and knew she did not lie. He dropped to the ground before her, his head inclined respectfully. I did not know, he said breathlessly.
She has joined with us and is our champion, named, On-lek told his subject. Cheers from the surrounding villagers were raised and dropped.
Tah-lah looked from the woman to Mas-mar. And what of Ems-dar?
He has left the village, with Las-lam, Mas-mar answered truthfully.
Tah-lah nodded his understanding. Even without sharing the link Karin and the others did, some things went without saying among tribe members.
Karin bent back down to closer inspect the woman. Angels eyes were feverish and angry, the effects of the sleeping potion administered to her earlier still affecting her. Remove the gag, Karin told Tah-lah. He did so.
You bastards are gonna die! screamed Angel angrily, trashing about in her constraints.
Calm yourself, Karin said to Angel in halting English.
You speak English? Angel asked, astonished.
Karin nodded her head yes.
Tell these savages to untie me! the red head shouted.
If you continue yelling, they will only tie you tighter. Karin's mastery of English seemed to improve the more she used it.
Angel looked up at the tall black woman standing before her. There was a strange light in the womans dark eyes. For the first time in a long while, Angel felt intimidated by someone else. Will you get me out of this? she asked softly.
Karin looked into the smoldering eyes of the American laid out before her. The three men standing behind her suddenly jolted into action, telling certain villagers to attend to different duties. Fifteen minutes later, Angel was untied, washed, given new clothes, and was sitting in On-leks hut, before a small feast set out for her. She smiled gratefully at the odd woman who seemed to run the village and set about eating.
She is a fiery one, Kon-lar thought to his mates.
Her hair matches her personality, Mas-mar thought, looking over the woman.
For what purpose do you wish to use her? On-lek asked Karin through their link.
She may be able to help in our cause, Karin thought, the deeper, darker emotions hidden in her mind from the three.
On-lek looked closer at the redhead as she bit into a tough tropical fruit. How? was his simple question.
She knows of the ways of the outside world, Karin answered, I do not.
The three men seemed to think this a sound judgment. They nodded their heads in agreement,
Mas-mar slightly behind, his eyes fixed on Angels.
The boy is smitten, Kon-lar chuckled inside his head.
On-lek folded his arms. Truly, he thought, a wide grin crossing his face.
I wish to go too, Mas-mar said aloud vacantly. Angel looked up from her food and at the young hunter. She smiled quickly at him, then took a drink from one of the clay cups on On-leks table.
I see, Karin thought, sensing the strong attraction from the young man.
Dont you four ever say anything? Angel asked her hosts. To her ears they had been standing silently in front of her the whole time.
We do not need to, Karin answered in her slowly reforming English. We share a bond uncommon among others.
Angel looked from the out of place woman to the three tribespeople. Youre not one of them, are you? she asked curiously.
Karin shook her head no. I am from a very different place, was her simple answer.
Do not tell her! On-lek thought at Karin frantically.
Whats with the big guy? Angel asked her odd new friend. He seems a bit tense.
He is looking out for the best interests of his tribe, Karin answered.
Hes the chief? Angel asked, standing from the floor.
Karin nodded yes.
Angel walked over to On-lek with her hand extended before her. Nice to meet you, Chief. I didnt get the warmest welcome, but this place is alright.
On-lek looked from Angels hand, to her lips, to Karin. Take her hand in yours and shake it up and down, Karin thought to the confused town leader. Awkwardly, the chief carried out Karins orders. Angel smiled and On-lek smiled back.
This is the town elder, Karin said to the new arrival. Very respected.
Angel turned to Kon-lar and repeated the same ritual with him. She then turned to the stricken Mas-mar, her hand extended. Take her hand in yours, go to your knee, and kiss the back of her hand, Karin thought to the hunter. Mas-mar carried out Karins orders perfectly, fluidly. Angel withdrew her hand quickly and blushed lightly. Mas-mar stood and grinned. That is Mas-mar, our finest hunter, Karin elaborated.
Nice to meet you, Mas-mar, Angel said softly, struggling with the odd name.
She said my name! Mas-mar thought to the other three. They grinned slyly.
Im Angel, Angel said to the four.
She is called An-gel, Karin told the other three aloud, speaking so Angel could hear the inflection. She turned to the red head. I am Ka-rin, this is On-lek, Kon-lar, and, of course, Mas-mar, she introduced herself and each man formally.
The men all inclined their heads respectfully to the woman. Angel smiled and copied their action with a grin. Karin stood silently as the two worlds met.
I wish to speak privately with An-gel, Karin said aloud in New Afrikaans. The tribal men all understood what she meant by the pronouncement and left the room hastily. As they walked through On-leks doorway, each of their links with Karin dropped.
The two women stood in On-leks home alone. Angel looked at the taller woman distrustfully. Karin smiled back and motioned towards the cushioned seats On-lek had bought from an English merchant. Angel sat down in an uncomfortable chair quickly. Karin took two cups from the table, filled them with a clear liquid from a large gourd pitcher, gave one to Angel, and sat down.
Are you American? Angel asked as Karin sat.
Not that I know of, Karin answered, her face becoming vacant.
How do you know English? Angel asked.
Im not exactly sure, Karin said, My story is a long and involved one.
Whos isnt, Angel muttered.
Karin smiled. Perhaps you can tell me why you are here, she said conversationally.
Im on vacation, Angel said softly.
Karin thought for a moment until the full meaning of the phrase became evident to her. She nodded her head in understanding and sipped from her cup.
What is it? Angel asked, staring into her cup.
A slightly alcoholic beverage the tribesmen make for social gatherings, Karin answered fluently.
Such as this one? Angel asked.
Not quite, Karin said, the implications obvious.
Angel laughed and nodded, I see.
You and I have much to discuss, Karin said gravely.
Im all ears, said Angel, pricking up to the new adventure.
Karin set about explaining her present situation and wants to Angel. Outside the hut, the three stood as almost one, waiting for their fourth link to allow them to know what was happening. Almost a full hour later, the two women emerged from the hut with a decision
73. An Explanatory Evening
The night crept in to New York city. Victoria Fowlers body was cremated, her ashes spread into the city's wind by members of Allan's clean-up crew. Kona Carmen slept the sleep of the deeply troubled. Georgina Bonners body was buried deep under the foundation of the Allan & Co. main building. Pris ate the late night meal brought to her by an attentive night nurse and then slipped into a healing slumber. Shauna fell asleep in Theos arms in front of her large television set, the two nestled happily in her safe, secure world. Ms. Allan herself, perturbed beyond sleep, sat up in her office into the wee hours of the morning, working with Jensal on straightening out the mess that surrounded her life. The leaders and followers of this grand game set down their tools and went to sleep. The city rested and prepared for a new day.
Halfway across the world, Jes and her Czech companion Jan sat in their prospective hotel rooms and waited for the call that would tell them Angel had returned from Africa. Much farther south, Angel struggled against the restraints that had been securely tied around her. Her muffled cries faded quickly into the deep jungle morning. She was carried to the village where Ka-rin, the one from Beyond, had been taken. After being administered a thick and heavy beverage, Angel fell into a light drugged sleep. Karin and the three with her were informed of the arrival of the strange red-haired one. Immediately, Karin knew that this was her ticket out of here.
74. Another Bad Morning
At 4:40 AM, Ms. Allan left her office and was driven home by one of her well-paid drivers. She collapsed into the large bed in one of her many penthouses around New York and slept soundly for a good four hours before a buzzing alarm awoke her at 9:00 AM. After finishing her morning ablutions and reading the early report from the main office, she called a car from her home garage. She ordered the car to her building and went straight to her inner office, ignoring the good mornings from several of her low to high level clerks.
Jensal waited patiently in her office. He sat comfortably in a high backed leather chair that Allan normally only allowed high standing guests to sit in. He smiled gamely at her as she crossed the room and sat behind her desk. Whats first on the list today? Allan asked her old-now-new right hand man.
A wire from our agents in Central Africa, Jensal replied, motioning to a sheet of paper in the middle of Allans desk. Apparently Angel Barris has been kidnapped by a local tribe.
The same that ate Dr. C? Allan asked offhandedly.
Jensal blanched. Im sorry? he said.
Happened while you were gone, Allan shrugged, The doctor was captured and possibly eaten by a cross-over tribe in Central Africa.
What was he doing there?
Personal interest, Allan said simply.
How could this happen? Jensal asked himself.
Is there a problem?
Slightly, Jensal said, looking at his boss from the corner of his shifty eyes. Dr. Carmen was needed.
Doctor what? Allan asked, the name sparking an immediate reaction.
Oops, said Jensal, covering his mouth with his hand.
Dr. Carmen, as in Kona Carmen? Allan pressed.
Jensal nodded his head slightly. Allan sat back in her chair. She slapped the butt of her palm against her forehead and widened her eyes.
I forgot about that particular point, Jensal murmured.
Get me Kona Carmen, now, Allan commanded Jensal, reverting back to old tactics quickly. No rough stuff.
You want her here, in person? Jensal asked.
Weve still got squads looking around for Ms. Tyler. Shall I call them off?
No, Allan answered, but if any of them screw up like last time, Ill have them killed.
Jensal nodded his understanding and left the room. Ms. Allans mind began working over the first real problem of the day
75. Convictions
The next morning Pris was released from the hospital into the care of Shauna Slate. The two women were driven to Shaunas home by Theo. He dropped them off and left immediately for an audition. The two women had the morning to talk about the last few days and clear some things up.
I cant believe it, was all Shauna could say when Pris had finished telling her the entire story. So many people dead...
Allans got to be stopped, Pris said angrily, the remembrance of so many deaths feeding her fire.
What are you going to do, Pris? This is Allan & Company were talking about, a huge corporation. I mean, she basically funds the government.
Ive got to find help from others like me, Pris said with conviction. Youve been there, in those rooms, and there are probably countless others. We need to band together, find each other. If there are enough of us, itll be impossible to ignore us. The world has to know, Shauna.
Why? the petite would-be movie star asked. Why should we cause more pain and suffering?
Why should we allow it to continue? Pris shot back.
Shauna shook her head, No Pris. Up until everything started to go awry, no one was being killed or even really harmed. Only after you and this Victoria started to remember did things go bad. Why do you want to keep it that way? Cant you just move on?
Allan killed six people in cold blood! Pris exclaimed, Right before my eyes! And she was going to kill me. Am I supposed to just sit back and let bygones be bygones? I cant do that! There are others out there like me, Shauna. People who want justice. And Im going to find them.
Good for you, Shauna said, blowing on her coffee. Save the world. Have fun. Dont involve me.
I cant count on you for help?
Of course you can, Shauna said, exasperated. Just dont ask me to take up a gun and fight.
Will you testify?
Shauna sighed. Sure, she said quietly.
Pris nodded, Good. Thanks. She put her almost finished coffee down and stood. Ive got to go now. Thank you so much for the help.
Any time.
Ill be in touch later, Pris said, heading for the door.
You can count on me, Pris.".
Pris smiled at her friend and left the house.
You can count on me, Shauna repeated softly, staring at her front door.
76. Pulling Together
A loud cry went up in the village. It was morning and the villagers were groggy from the night's celebration. A hunter had returned with something much more interesting that food. Over his shoulder he carried a petite red-haired woman, bound and gagged like an animal. Because the woman was well muscled, the hunter had tied her securely and drugged her so the villagers could come and observe his find close up. A young man ran off for On-leks hut with the news.
The hunter carried Angel to the middle of the village and set her down in the middle of a clearing. He stood above the woman and looked at his tribe mates happily. He thought he was big news; he did not know about Karin.
The four left On-leks hut and went quickly as one to the village clearing. The hunter, whom Mas-mar recognized as Tah-lah, a fine hunter, stood above the absconded woman triumphantly. His features became much darker and unreadable as the four approached him.
Who is this woman? Tah-lah asked in his loud booming voice. His indicated Karin with his spear point.
We could ask you the same thing, Kon-lar said sagely.
I found her sleeping in our territory, Tah-lah answered. I believe she is an American.
Karin squatted down on her haunches to inspect the woman. Tah-lah looked at Karin angrily.
And her? Tah-lah asked again.
I am Ka-rin, Karin said, standing and answering the hunter in his own language, from Beyond.
The hunter looked into the womans dark eyes and knew she did not lie. He dropped to the ground before her, his head inclined respectfully. I did not know, he said breathlessly.
She has joined with us and is our champion, named, On-lek told his subject. Cheers from the surrounding villagers were raised and dropped.
Tah-lah looked from the woman to Mas-mar. And what of Ems-dar?
He has left the village, with Las-lam, Mas-mar answered truthfully.
Tah-lah nodded his understanding. Even without sharing the link Karin and the others did, some things went without saying among tribe members.
Karin bent back down to closer inspect the woman. Angels eyes were feverish and angry, the effects of the sleeping potion administered to her earlier still affecting her. Remove the gag, Karin told Tah-lah. He did so.
You bastards are gonna die! screamed Angel angrily, trashing about in her constraints.
Calm yourself, Karin said to Angel in halting English.
You speak English? Angel asked, astonished.
Karin nodded her head yes.
Tell these savages to untie me! the red head shouted.
If you continue yelling, they will only tie you tighter. Karin's mastery of English seemed to improve the more she used it.
Angel looked up at the tall black woman standing before her. There was a strange light in the womans dark eyes. For the first time in a long while, Angel felt intimidated by someone else. Will you get me out of this? she asked softly.
Karin looked into the smoldering eyes of the American laid out before her. The three men standing behind her suddenly jolted into action, telling certain villagers to attend to different duties. Fifteen minutes later, Angel was untied, washed, given new clothes, and was sitting in On-leks hut, before a small feast set out for her. She smiled gratefully at the odd woman who seemed to run the village and set about eating.
She is a fiery one, Kon-lar thought to his mates.
Her hair matches her personality, Mas-mar thought, looking over the woman.
For what purpose do you wish to use her? On-lek asked Karin through their link.
She may be able to help in our cause, Karin thought, the deeper, darker emotions hidden in her mind from the three.
On-lek looked closer at the redhead as she bit into a tough tropical fruit. How? was his simple question.
She knows of the ways of the outside world, Karin answered, I do not.
The three men seemed to think this a sound judgment. They nodded their heads in agreement,
Mas-mar slightly behind, his eyes fixed on Angels.
The boy is smitten, Kon-lar chuckled inside his head.
On-lek folded his arms. Truly, he thought, a wide grin crossing his face.
I wish to go too, Mas-mar said aloud vacantly. Angel looked up from her food and at the young hunter. She smiled quickly at him, then took a drink from one of the clay cups on On-leks table.
I see, Karin thought, sensing the strong attraction from the young man.
Dont you four ever say anything? Angel asked her hosts. To her ears they had been standing silently in front of her the whole time.
We do not need to, Karin answered in her slowly reforming English. We share a bond uncommon among others.
Angel looked from the out of place woman to the three tribespeople. Youre not one of them, are you? she asked curiously.
Karin shook her head no. I am from a very different place, was her simple answer.
Do not tell her! On-lek thought at Karin frantically.
Whats with the big guy? Angel asked her odd new friend. He seems a bit tense.
He is looking out for the best interests of his tribe, Karin answered.
Hes the chief? Angel asked, standing from the floor.
Karin nodded yes.
Angel walked over to On-lek with her hand extended before her. Nice to meet you, Chief. I didnt get the warmest welcome, but this place is alright.
On-lek looked from Angels hand, to her lips, to Karin. Take her hand in yours and shake it up and down, Karin thought to the confused town leader. Awkwardly, the chief carried out Karins orders. Angel smiled and On-lek smiled back.
This is the town elder, Karin said to the new arrival. Very respected.
Angel turned to Kon-lar and repeated the same ritual with him. She then turned to the stricken Mas-mar, her hand extended. Take her hand in yours, go to your knee, and kiss the back of her hand, Karin thought to the hunter. Mas-mar carried out Karins orders perfectly, fluidly. Angel withdrew her hand quickly and blushed lightly. Mas-mar stood and grinned. That is Mas-mar, our finest hunter, Karin elaborated.
Nice to meet you, Mas-mar, Angel said softly, struggling with the odd name.
She said my name! Mas-mar thought to the other three. They grinned slyly.
Im Angel, Angel said to the four.
She is called An-gel, Karin told the other three aloud, speaking so Angel could hear the inflection. She turned to the red head. I am Ka-rin, this is On-lek, Kon-lar, and, of course, Mas-mar, she introduced herself and each man formally.
The men all inclined their heads respectfully to the woman. Angel smiled and copied their action with a grin. Karin stood silently as the two worlds met.
I wish to speak privately with An-gel, Karin said aloud in New Afrikaans. The tribal men all understood what she meant by the pronouncement and left the room hastily. As they walked through On-leks doorway, each of their links with Karin dropped.
The two women stood in On-leks home alone. Angel looked at the taller woman distrustfully. Karin smiled back and motioned towards the cushioned seats On-lek had bought from an English merchant. Angel sat down in an uncomfortable chair quickly. Karin took two cups from the table, filled them with a clear liquid from a large gourd pitcher, gave one to Angel, and sat down.
Are you American? Angel asked as Karin sat.
Not that I know of, Karin answered, her face becoming vacant.
How do you know English? Angel asked.
Im not exactly sure, Karin said, My story is a long and involved one.
Whos isnt, Angel muttered.
Karin smiled. Perhaps you can tell me why you are here, she said conversationally.
Im on vacation, Angel said softly.
Karin thought for a moment until the full meaning of the phrase became evident to her. She nodded her head in understanding and sipped from her cup.
What is it? Angel asked, staring into her cup.
A slightly alcoholic beverage the tribesmen make for social gatherings, Karin answered fluently.
Such as this one? Angel asked.
Not quite, Karin said, the implications obvious.
Angel laughed and nodded, I see.
You and I have much to discuss, Karin said gravely.
Im all ears, said Angel, pricking up to the new adventure.
Karin set about explaining her present situation and wants to Angel. Outside the hut, the three stood as almost one, waiting for their fourth link to allow them to know what was happening. Almost a full hour later, the two women emerged from the hut with a decision
It's been a hell of a long time, so I needed this.
Chapters I & II
Chapters III & IV part 1
Chapters IV part 2 & V
Chapters VI & VII part 1
Chapters VII part 2 & VIII
Well, I would legitimately like to see Billings some day. 

The quality goes up and down but the best are constant.