Well shit:
Every good competition show has that one week where everything goes a little pear-shaped. Where we all get a little shocked by what goes down. This would be that week.
Buh-bye. In true "mess-in-a-dress" form, Jess took herself out. Smart move, as she was probably on the chopping block anyhoodle. And it was sort of all worth it to see her in that dress she had on. Plus we got Tits McGee back. And somehow she pulled that shit off...
Now I know I moved Kher-Bear down a notch last week, but I didn't mean for that to precipitate her exit. I wanted it to act as one of the many wake-up calls I felt she needed. And I'm not sure it didn't work. I thought she did a fine job this week. I'm not really sure why she got cut. Did Comfort get a bunch of sympathy votes? Was it the old "she's so popular everyone figured she'd get the votes"? Were people tired of her perfect little white-girl ass (I'd put a link to a photo of it if one existed on the internets, but yet again the series of tubes fails me when it comes to SYTYCD pictures)? Who knows? America is a fickle lot indeed.
Speaking of fickle: Gev goes home instead of Mark? You should've heard incorrigible's heart breaking. I think Mark is great, and would enjoy an evening watching him be a spaz, but Gev was tearing shit up in the underdog role. He did everything and anything because he didn't know he couldn't. That's such a rare thing to find in a dancer. Total fearlessness coupled with complete devotion. So sad to see the little guy go.
Oh, speaking of little: Lil C (bottom of the page) was awesome. His verbosity was on the level of Don King, but he used actual words. That was some fun shit. And it distracted me from the madness of having those two amazing dancers cut. Moving on...

I swear to you, this girl is so amazing. I don't think I'd ever get tired of watching her dance. She, as they say, is a gift to dancing. Also, Nigel parroted my exact sentiments about her from last week. That routine was so perfect it's actually good they ruined one of the turns. It will keep both her and Will (PS-what a fucking twosome,eh?) honest and hungry for more. I'm convinced now that Nigel somehow found these entries and reads them with a fervor for tidbits.

She stays strong here. Breaking her away from Gev made me sad (not as sad as him, I'm sure), but anyone that gets partnered with Josh is going to have a good time of it. She's keeping the underdog train going and I'm pulling for her...to an extent. Plus she's hot.

I can't believe I'm doing this. upChucksie is in my top three. But she was good this week, and you cannot deny girl can dance. Her face just makes me want to forget I've ever eaten so I won't feel the need to empty my stomach. And I don't mean that in a "she's ugly" way. I mean it in a "these are the girls in high school that used to spit in the hair of the girls I dated" way. Still, bitch can dance. Too bad she stuck a knife into Gev's back. Katee and Courtney should go Heathers/Mean Girls on ho's ass, yo.

Odd putting Tits back on the list. She stepped shit up this week (partnering with SuperTwitch didn't hurt) but girl is obviously out of her element when the solos come around. In the club I'm sure she's a hit, even a star, but on stage she looks a bit lost out there all alone. Also, does anyone buy that "Ew, Twitch" shit she was pulling? Girl wants to twitch alright, ifyaknowwhatImeanandIthinkthatyoudo.
I'm safe with the laydeez, but it's going to start to get real difficult with the gents pretty soon. I think I know who the top six should be, but I sadly don't know that the rest of America does. You already let me down once people. Don't do it again.
Every good competition show has that one week where everything goes a little pear-shaped. Where we all get a little shocked by what goes down. This would be that week.
Buh-bye. In true "mess-in-a-dress" form, Jess took herself out. Smart move, as she was probably on the chopping block anyhoodle. And it was sort of all worth it to see her in that dress she had on. Plus we got Tits McGee back. And somehow she pulled that shit off...
Now I know I moved Kher-Bear down a notch last week, but I didn't mean for that to precipitate her exit. I wanted it to act as one of the many wake-up calls I felt she needed. And I'm not sure it didn't work. I thought she did a fine job this week. I'm not really sure why she got cut. Did Comfort get a bunch of sympathy votes? Was it the old "she's so popular everyone figured she'd get the votes"? Were people tired of her perfect little white-girl ass (I'd put a link to a photo of it if one existed on the internets, but yet again the series of tubes fails me when it comes to SYTYCD pictures)? Who knows? America is a fickle lot indeed.
Speaking of fickle: Gev goes home instead of Mark? You should've heard incorrigible's heart breaking. I think Mark is great, and would enjoy an evening watching him be a spaz, but Gev was tearing shit up in the underdog role. He did everything and anything because he didn't know he couldn't. That's such a rare thing to find in a dancer. Total fearlessness coupled with complete devotion. So sad to see the little guy go.
Oh, speaking of little: Lil C (bottom of the page) was awesome. His verbosity was on the level of Don King, but he used actual words. That was some fun shit. And it distracted me from the madness of having those two amazing dancers cut. Moving on...

I swear to you, this girl is so amazing. I don't think I'd ever get tired of watching her dance. She, as they say, is a gift to dancing. Also, Nigel parroted my exact sentiments about her from last week. That routine was so perfect it's actually good they ruined one of the turns. It will keep both her and Will (PS-what a fucking twosome,eh?) honest and hungry for more. I'm convinced now that Nigel somehow found these entries and reads them with a fervor for tidbits.

She stays strong here. Breaking her away from Gev made me sad (not as sad as him, I'm sure), but anyone that gets partnered with Josh is going to have a good time of it. She's keeping the underdog train going and I'm pulling for her...to an extent. Plus she's hot.

I can't believe I'm doing this. upChucksie is in my top three. But she was good this week, and you cannot deny girl can dance. Her face just makes me want to forget I've ever eaten so I won't feel the need to empty my stomach. And I don't mean that in a "she's ugly" way. I mean it in a "these are the girls in high school that used to spit in the hair of the girls I dated" way. Still, bitch can dance. Too bad she stuck a knife into Gev's back. Katee and Courtney should go Heathers/Mean Girls on ho's ass, yo.

Odd putting Tits back on the list. She stepped shit up this week (partnering with SuperTwitch didn't hurt) but girl is obviously out of her element when the solos come around. In the club I'm sure she's a hit, even a star, but on stage she looks a bit lost out there all alone. Also, does anyone buy that "Ew, Twitch" shit she was pulling? Girl wants to twitch alright, ifyaknowwhatImeanandIthinkthatyoudo.
I'm safe with the laydeez, but it's going to start to get real difficult with the gents pretty soon. I think I know who the top six should be, but I sadly don't know that the rest of America does. You already let me down once people. Don't do it again.
I can't decide if I think Courtney or Katee is hotter. Courtney is probably technically hotter, but Katee has a certain understated sex appeal that I can't quite put my finger on. Plus, my wife would probably not like it if I did put my finger on it.
Just stopping by to say hello.