So. Damn. Bored.
A three day weekend and all I have is work and reading. I am still feeling a bit under the weather and if I go out and drink when I am starting to feel sick I am just asking to get wrecked.
I worked more on the design for the tattoo that I want. The problem is: now that I know exactly...
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A three day weekend and all I have is work and reading. I am still feeling a bit under the weather and if I go out and drink when I am starting to feel sick I am just asking to get wrecked.
I worked more on the design for the tattoo that I want. The problem is: now that I know exactly...
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I am 20 years old. Wow. Happy Glad-I-Wasn't-Stillborn-Day to me!
I am going to Berkeley and Davis in a few hours and won't return home until Monday! Yay!
AND - as if that wasn't enough I just mailed a letter with all of my emotional mush to the girl that I fancy. Who knows how that will go - but I figure getting something like...
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I am going to Berkeley and Davis in a few hours and won't return home until Monday! Yay!
AND - as if that wasn't enough I just mailed a letter with all of my emotional mush to the girl that I fancy. Who knows how that will go - but I figure getting something like...
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Tomorrow I have a midterm in one of my computer science courses (yay) and I have not studied at all. Not that I think I will do poorly - I think that I should do very well, but the fact that I don't KNOW that I will do very well puts me on edge and feels annoying. Oh well, too late to cry over it...
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I still have nightmares about exams, and I've been out of school for what seems like forever. Hope you do better than you expect 

Hooray for failing midterms! I have one today in physical anthropology which I will fail miserably. Ugh, science.
How incredibly depressing. I was clicking around through the various pages of my newly created profile, only to find the message "You have no friends." under the friends tab. Way to be subtle. No wiggle room with that one. I guess they felt that "You have no friends." was better than "You do not have any friends added on" or the like.
Feeling the...
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Feeling the...
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hi friend

honestly! not a clue! i can't even remember what i was looking at first.
i think music videos for The Knife. do you like The Postal Service also?

i think music videos for The Knife. do you like The Postal Service also?
also, i've found that making friends on here generally takes a while. i was off the site for about a year and lost quite a few people on my friends list, so i am just gradually finding people again