Rough week. My poor guy broke his collarbone racing this past weekend and he's in a lot of pain. Looks like he'll be out of action for a while. He seems to do better during the day but it gets worse at night.
Looking forward to Bumbershoot next weekend - anyone going? I think I'm going on Friday for sure!
Going on vacation for most of September to the Sierra nevadas and yosemite. Woohoo! I might be going gray soon. Not sure but I think my membership ends in Sept. I plan to renew when I get back from vacation.
PS - Hi Jason you filthy, naughty boy....

Looking forward to Bumbershoot next weekend - anyone going? I think I'm going on Friday for sure!
Going on vacation for most of September to the Sierra nevadas and yosemite. Woohoo! I might be going gray soon. Not sure but I think my membership ends in Sept. I plan to renew when I get back from vacation.

PS - Hi Jason you filthy, naughty boy....

Hope you have fun.
Missing Bumbershoot this year due to a trip to Calgary. I think that, on balance, it's worth it.