Head is WAY better now - yeah! But I had to go in for some medical tests (unrelated to the head) and that sucked. Still waiting for results. Now I feel like I'm getting a cold. Grrrr.
But I must be feeling better because I've started masturbating again.
Now read carefully as I effortlessly jump from masturbation to Star Trek...
After a satisfying masturbation session Friday night, I fall asleep only to have my first Original Star Trek dream!!! I got to wear a yellow star trek dress! Kirk, Spock and I were trying to save this planet from destruction. (What else would we be doing?) Someone had planted these glass globe bomb things that detonated when you held them for a certain period of time. So these stupid people on the planet kept picking them up and holding them (duh!). At the end of the dream we thought we had found and destroyed all the globes so we beamed back to the ship. Once on the ship we were doing the whole goodbye video-communitcation thing when we see some dork show up with one of the globes and it blows up the last of the people on the planet. Stupid people, it was their own damn fault.
Fuck, I am such a nerd. Church of Trek. Both Fry AND Comic book guy would be proud.
Hope you are well! Happy Easter!
But I must be feeling better because I've started masturbating again.
Now read carefully as I effortlessly jump from masturbation to Star Trek...
After a satisfying masturbation session Friday night, I fall asleep only to have my first Original Star Trek dream!!! I got to wear a yellow star trek dress! Kirk, Spock and I were trying to save this planet from destruction. (What else would we be doing?) Someone had planted these glass globe bomb things that detonated when you held them for a certain period of time. So these stupid people on the planet kept picking them up and holding them (duh!). At the end of the dream we thought we had found and destroyed all the globes so we beamed back to the ship. Once on the ship we were doing the whole goodbye video-communitcation thing when we see some dork show up with one of the globes and it blows up the last of the people on the planet. Stupid people, it was their own damn fault.
Fuck, I am such a nerd. Church of Trek. Both Fry AND Comic book guy would be proud.
Hope you are well! Happy Easter!

Secondly, the...uh...opening line in your journal had my attention completly (that is 'til I remembered you had a bike spill). Good to hear that you're feeling better. Also good to hear that you're better enough to masturbate. Also weird to hear your Star Trek dream. You know, I lost my virginity to the "Trouble with Tribbles" episode. And, Now I've officially said too much!