Ohh fuck me..... I gotta go to Philly to show this fucking film.... It's cool when people watch your stuff... that's why I'm a filmmaker... I enter these things in film festivals with the hope of having my shit screened.... but... oh fucking man do I mean but..... if they accept it... you gotta go... it'd be rude not to.... it always happens at the worst fucking time. The dough I'm spending on this trip, is the money I need to pay the Special FX makeup artist on my next short... sooooo, go to philly... fly in an aluminum fucking casket with jet engines bolted to and hope I don't shit myself when it begins to rattle apart....Faaaaaaahhhhhhhhhkkkk..... and put the next pimp ass stiff muffin production on standby till I can pay the fucking (I must say.... hot as hell) FX artist...... Fukmerunninintheassmudderfuker.
The money thing sucks though.