I went to vote this morning. There werent that many peeps in line so that was cool. Its finally Raining in my neck of the woods and i welcome rain with open arms, i was getting fed up of the heat, i needed some gloom in my life. How is everyone out there??
More Blogs
Friday Aug 08, 2008
Things have been good, no more fighting with my ex (for now), and my … -
Thursday May 29, 2008
Como Me Gustaria Mandar A La Verga Todo!!! A Mi Ex, Mi Trabajo, Mis D… -
Wednesday Apr 02, 2008
Been a rocky couple of weeks, yet things seem to be looking on the up… -
Wednesday Mar 26, 2008
Dicen que Tijuana es una Zona de Guerra que es una ciudad Hermosa, un… -
Wednesday Mar 26, 2008
I had a fucking blast en el D.F. The city is soooo beautiful and the … -
Tuesday Mar 18, 2008
Well Hello There!!! I have not updated in a while and it seems about … -
Monday Feb 11, 2008
Well, its been a while since i've posted anything. Last you heard wa… -
Wednesday Dec 26, 2007
First Things First, Merry Christmas (Feliz Navidad Cabrones), Happy F… -
Monday Dec 03, 2007
I slept a lot this weekend, I went to see Brujeria in Tijuana on Frid… -
Friday Nov 30, 2007
As my eyelids close, my eyes become these open windows where sunlight…
yo vivo lejos de alla, pero ee.uu es importantisimo en el mundo y a todos nos importa lo que pase
un gran beso carino!