I got completely shit faced last night it was awsome. We celebrated Mexican Mothers Day on Thursday at an Aunts house, its the same day as My Grandpas Birth Day, I think he turned 89 or something. Friday we had a Cookout for all the Mama's, Grilled Salmon Steaks and Pasta with White Shrimp sauce. Saturday was pretty chill cuz I got to spend time with my 2 beautiful kids. And Yesterday was suppose to be a day to rest but not at my house. We cooked yet again. Carne Azada and lots of beer, then someone brought out the Vodka that really sent us through the roof. Now its back to work for I have loads of bills to pay. How the fuck was your weekend peeps?? Hope everyones doing good out there.
Me da gusto
hey vas a ir al festival ed reggae? El 20 (este domingo)
como puse en mi blog
esta semana
fue mala mala para mi
me vinieron todas las enfermedades juntas
espero que como tu me escribiste que despoues de estas pinches semanas
venga algo mucho mejor
por que hasta del estoimago me enferme
y ni te imaginas las ganas que tengo de comer una pizza jajajaja tendre que aguantar y seguir con la comida de enfermo y mi resfriado u.u
muchos besitos para ti y saludos