So Last Week I entered me and my bro in to a contest online in which we each won pair of tickets to an exclusive live concert taping sponsored by Nissan and yahoo and featuring Iggy & The Stooges (My Favorite Band Ever!!!) So Today was the show and It Kicked Atomic Arse. He sang No Fun and Invited everyone on stage and we got to mosh Iggy all throughout the song then I just jumped off the stage and stood right in front and witnessed the rest of the set. I got to sing a little piece of the Last Song which is the single from their latest album. Today I witnessed by far the Best Concert I've been to in my Life!!!! it was just Surreal. Other than that nothing new, still feeling bad about the weekend, I got drunk and yelled at my lady friend who I am falling madly in love with yet can't seem to find the way to make her happy. And I feel sad and ashamed, and I see my self ready to start something with her but it's just not working, and what bothers me the most is that is mainly my fault. But oh well CET la VI
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Things have been good, no more fighting with my ex (for now), and my … -
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Wednesday Mar 26, 2008
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Tuesday Mar 18, 2008
Well Hello There!!! I have not updated in a while and it seems about … -
Monday Feb 11, 2008
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Wednesday Dec 26, 2007
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No offense, but you should feel bad... Drunken yelling, charming! If she's still talking to you, you're lucky and things might work out (as long as you don't get drunk and yell at her again) but if things continue to remain a constant challenge... well, you know. I don't know why I think I can give you advice, I'm painfully single.
And you're right, that is life, fucked up and confusing as hell!
xoxo ;P
Hey no mams, ya me imagino que si le gritaste fue porq quieres con ella pero nada pasa, como frustacion??
pero de todos modos creo que si te va a costar algo de trabajo contentarla
Suerte !