A breath of fresh air has entered my lungs, and then the weed choke. Feeling good, been busy with work, company is growing and so is my schedule. I need to focus on being able to pay my bills. Gots to feed 2 kids and a soon to be ex-wife and then try to live comfortably on my own. But Times are getting better and I am awake more and more each pasing day. To be able to look through the looking glass and realize what the stooped erors we pathologicaly commit keep us from evolving. I have seen strenght in my soul. Have been through some pretty tough shit, yet I have survived. Gonna do this right and keep at it. So enough of this bable. This weekend i have my kids again and it goes the same for the weekend after that, yet I am happy to spend every minute with them. The schedule will be hectic but it will give me time to cash in some time with them. Well friday is upon me and I am ready for a cool beer and a movie at home. Not in a real party move gots to regain forces to have a blast in three weeks, then I will Atomikly Hit Tijuana, B.C. Mexico, cuz it has been a while. I need to vask in Cerveza y Amigos. Quiero Vivir como lo se hacer. Fun Fun Fun. Have a nice Friday and start a weekend the best way possible.
Arre Raza se cuidan!!!!!
Arre Raza se cuidan!!!!!
pasatela chilo...

SG Mexico Group!!