The eye of the hurricane stares directly at my path. Relationship is finally over and the air is thick with uncertainties. One decides to go; the other seems tangled in the struggle to stay, and each side's looks at each other in disbelief. She don't want to see your carcass any more. You don't want to hear unnecessary banter. Yet neither can just let go. Our two babies are in the middle and for the first time in my life I am forced to act Mature. These 2 little people need a solid base on which to propel further in to their future. One bridge has been burned for now, others are in construction and our lives keep taking unconscious turns that are always recognizable at birth.
Keep on Trucking S.G.!!!
Keep on Trucking S.G.!!!
Just don't do what my old man did: bail.
It's not sweet, not having a dad. Let alone being replaced by an abusive one.
Take care! Be well!