So Life for me could not exist without imitation. Without Imagination I would be utterly miserable. I could not exist without an alternate reality. We create life based on our personal maps. We create those sacred maps when we have time to spare. Those maps, silly as they may be are our ticket to salvation. So our Imagination becomes a sacred forest full of Truth. Metaphysical shivers cripple my spine and shiver me fucking Timbers. I run away from stupid shit I should not run away from. Life has been very fulfilling these past four months. I get shitty facial expressions from my neighbors and all I can do is play my drums aloud and drown everything out. What gives us the right to judge? What gives us the right to frown upon our neighbor? What gives you the right to exceed and expect others to follow your path? Every one has their own rithym and we all have our own personal time to figure things out.
imagination, life would be miserable without it
ya llegara tu tiempo ... y al diablo con los vecinos
they dont know, its not their life or their problem