So I took 3 days off and of my busy schedule, I bought a 24 pack of Modelos in Tijuna, went to the ATM got out 100 bucks, loaded up my bongos and drove down the baja 125 miles to Erendira, set up a tent that I borrowed from a friend who by good chance took an extra, and I proceeded to chill and have fun. Met some people from San Diego and we partyed with some folks that were having their anual UC Berkley Reunion, we played Drums under the stars all covered with glowsticks, there were people playing with glow in the dark frisbees at 2 in the morning and got we all got really shit faced It was absolutely awsome. I am defenetly going back next year.
How was your weekend??
How was your weekend??
Que bueno q te la pasaste tan bien... te envidio ya necesito un descansito de la escuela
so i think next friday Plaza ! some chez, some Porkys... hehe can't wait