Cock Blocking should be illegal everywhere, and I have my mind set to take it all the way to the Vatican to suggest they make it a Sin as well. Saturday was uber fun, went bar hoping in Plaza del Zapato, will be there next Saturday as well if I make it through the week in good health, for those in my vicinity hit me up If you want to hang. My Self Esteem has gotten better each passing day. My Independence is vital for my survival. I made up my mind and the future looks very promising. I trust everyone had a good weekend if not there will always be another one on the way.
Stay Classy San Diego!!
Stay Classy San Diego!!
Luckily for me that doesn't happen too often.
Dunno how but my fried brain didn't notice the ending line of your journal entry earlier.
Anchorman is absolutely fuckin hilarious & kudos to you for diggin it!