I feel so Drained right now! Working 6 days a week Still working with my dad and trying to make my side project work. Got 2 kids and their mom to feed so I cant sputter. Maybe that's why I enjoy my Sundays so much, gone surfin or smoking.
I cross the Border from Tijuana to San Diego everyday and spend an average of 30 to 45 minutes, and I am sure that if it wasn't for my SIRIUS satellite radio and of course Howard Stern and his cronies I would have lost my mind already, I sometimes blast it up so the border dudes that are roaming around with the sniffing dogs can listen for about 15 minutes, but today they were busy, they busted a beat up white truck, bout early 80's model, the dog went berserk, is doors were packed with some shit, they hand cuffed the guy and escorted him to wherever they escort you when you get busted.
So tell me some of your daily stories, what you got cookin!
Oh! Does anyone out there own SIRIUS?? (This is not a PLUG)
I cross the Border from Tijuana to San Diego everyday and spend an average of 30 to 45 minutes, and I am sure that if it wasn't for my SIRIUS satellite radio and of course Howard Stern and his cronies I would have lost my mind already, I sometimes blast it up so the border dudes that are roaming around with the sniffing dogs can listen for about 15 minutes, but today they were busy, they busted a beat up white truck, bout early 80's model, the dog went berserk, is doors were packed with some shit, they hand cuffed the guy and escorted him to wherever they escort you when you get busted.
So tell me some of your daily stories, what you got cookin!
Oh! Does anyone out there own SIRIUS?? (This is not a PLUG)
