at work yesterday i had been there for nine straight days .my mood was rather poor because of this fact .after work i really didn't want to do anything becouse i felt irritated .krystnn insisted on making me veggie tacos to try and cheer me up .best friends always know that veggie tacos hold a soft spot .she picked me up so we could get tea in her already warm car .on the way to wal-mart 'mother' by Danzig happened to be on the radio .she turned it up for me and in a beat my mood lifted .glen danzig is a lifesaver or at least a mood enhancer .i need to get around to writing that buddy flick staring Rob Zombie and Glen Danzig. in my head the visual of them in a robocop style car driving the roads of america. at some point japanese spiderman villains attack as 'twist of cain' plays from the dash .they argue ,they fight hard and they ride the earth looking to make things right .
Robocop is so under-rated...
you are the testimonial bandit!!