Haven't check in a couple of weeks. Things have been going good. I had problems with taking new medicine for my blood pressure, last week. Not a fun experience as I suffered with muscle and leg cramps all weekend. At least that problem is over, as I'm on different medication now and I'm having no problems with it. This past Tuesday i got around to seeing Knocked Up. I thought it was a very funny film. The best film of the summer so far. I was not happy today when I found out that annoying whiney brat, Paris Hilton was released from jail after only three days. It pisses me off when celebrities and annoying rich brats get special treatment from the judicial system, while hard-working Americans don't have these privileges and are forced to face the music. The only message this sends to the youth of American is, you can do want ever you want, as long as your parents have a lot of money or if you're a star or public figure. It's sad because it's sends the wrong message to these kids. But what can i do? Got to run now, have a good day.
I'm glad they sent her back. I hear she refuses to eat the prison food. Hope your doing well.
yeah, medication were you on? my mom recently started on blood pressure stuff too and it was giving her trouble.