Marie Antoinette: The Worst Period Piece Film ever made
It's been a week since I saw Marie Antoinette. The Film was one of the worst movies that I have ever seen and the thought of it is still in my head. I was hoping it would be good since Sofia Coppola's first two movies (The Virgin Sucicides, Lost is Translation) were very good but this movie was awful. The first problem I had was the director. The movie felt like an MTV music video when it's supposed to period piece on the last queen of France. Second was the acting. Kristen Dunst wasn't that good in the title roll and some of the supporting characters were miscast or phoning in their performance. Third, The inculsion of 80's music. I was annoyed with it. There's no place for 80's music in the late 1700 period. Finally, the ending. The ending felt like it gave hope for the character when in reallity it was grim for her. . This is a problem with most studio film. They only care about making money off a target audience instead forth a good product out. If you are looking for good period piece flim to watch than this film, rent Elizabeth (1998) staring Cate Blanchett. Hopefully this film is now out of my head. got to run, have a good day
It's been a week since I saw Marie Antoinette. The Film was one of the worst movies that I have ever seen and the thought of it is still in my head. I was hoping it would be good since Sofia Coppola's first two movies (The Virgin Sucicides, Lost is Translation) were very good but this movie was awful. The first problem I had was the director. The movie felt like an MTV music video when it's supposed to period piece on the last queen of France. Second was the acting. Kristen Dunst wasn't that good in the title roll and some of the supporting characters were miscast or phoning in their performance. Third, The inculsion of 80's music. I was annoyed with it. There's no place for 80's music in the late 1700 period. Finally, the ending. The ending felt like it gave hope for the character when in reallity it was grim for her. . This is a problem with most studio film. They only care about making money off a target audience instead forth a good product out. If you are looking for good period piece flim to watch than this film, rent Elizabeth (1998) staring Cate Blanchett. Hopefully this film is now out of my head. got to run, have a good day