I've been going through some of my old pictures, and found this singer set amongst them of Jayne. Not shot for SG or anything like that, but thought I'd share as I like these shots and remember was really pleased with them at the time, but suspect nowadays I would edit it very very differently. Perhaps I'll give a re-edit a try when I get...
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This is quite an old shot I did, about 4 years ago now. Emily and some candles. Hope you like it.
Sometimes the sunset is beautiful after dissapearing behind the horizon line. Instagram
I don't do it enough (film and developing is expensive) but love how raw and imperfect shooting a roll of film is.
In this day and age of perfect pixels, clinical lenses, instant review, Photoshop enhancements and touch up, it's so refreshing to just go out once in a while and get what you get straight from camera, being happy with the four of five...
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So this is from a recent shoot I did just before lock down began here in the UK. Great to work with Shannon and Cherry on this, and pleased they chose me to do it. Time now to get back in to shooting, and I'm starting to line some good shoots up in the coming weeks.
Feel free to DM if you're interested in shooting
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It's been a while coming as I've not had the time to really compile one of these for a couple of months, so now back to it (maybe a little more occasional). Sticking with the UK for this one as there are lots coming through lately...
Firstly, @syrinn with Whorehouse Blues shot by @casca Well done both here, lovely boudoir setting, lovely light, Syrinn absolutely...
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It's been so beautiful to have Comet Neowise so clearly visible for the last two or three weeks. As it now leaves our sight and continues its journey beyond our solar system, I thought I'd share a couple of the pictures I managed to capture here in southern UK. Instagram
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Quick walk this evening and the poppies are coming out. Not the fullest field, but nature never fails to deliver beauty.
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Here is one of Jess I shot late last year. I absolutely loved doing this shoot, and it was a beautiful set of pictures. Living here when the weather is right you can get some stunning sunsets and scenery. It was actually a really small window to get this setting right with the sunlight diminishing fast.
We've had some incredible weather over the last couple...
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