Welcome along to my blog for March - this is getting regular which is not like me!!! Five more hopeful sets which caught my eye lately, so without wasting time...
We start with @leenda with Meow Pink which is shot by @doce I just really like this set, Leenda plays the camera with every shot, her eye contact and smile are perfect for the set, it's shot well, it's location is nice but not distracting, it's cute and playful, and manages to not be overstated. Great work, please check out and help make pink!
Next is @jessstar with Blue Monday shot by Paul Calaridge This set which I like because it reminds me of New Order's classic, will make you anything but blue. It's lockdown day 98 as Jessstar points out, and her lingerie is blue (which is making things better). It's a great start for her, well posed, and a strong debut, lovely set. Again check it out, and give it some love.
@iluna is next with This is not a serious set! shot by @existence666 Understatement springs to mind with the title to this. This set made me laugh (a lot), and I love it for that! Shot after shot I love the facial expressions, and there's some really funny ideas in here too. Great work, thanks Iluna for making me laugh for all the right reasons, great concept.
Next @kutssa with Pin up mermaid shot by Bruno Isanx If you like classic pin up, then just go check this set out. Kutssa is stunning in her debut set, and the photography is just spot on to capture the feeling of a classic beach pin up shoot. An incredible technicolour dream photoset that can't be faulted. Amazing work, and look forward to your next set.
And last but not least, @melissalalucy with Pink incantations shot by @valo I meant to put this in my last blog, but ran out of room... Apologies for that, but Melissa and Valo have made this set creative, with a great theme running through. Melissa looks great, and she looks at home posing on the leather chairs. Fantastic work, love this set.
I'll end on a new set from me which went live a couple of days ago, @cicianderssg in Lazy day Feel free to take a look, Cici simply rocks it!
Thanks for taking the time to read this, until next time... Tony
@missy @rambo @yessybear @eirenne