So this has become a much more occasional series than I had intended... Still, even in these strange times, time passes, life must go on, and before we know it, six months have lapsed.
Anyway, I've picked five more hopeful sets which have caught my eye recently, so without further haste, and in no particular order:
Strawberries and Cream by @itsmecar0l and shot by @gloom I'm always a sucker for a bath shoot, they're difficult to shoot, you spend most of the time working in tight spaces, but I love to shoot them myself, and this set is a fantastic example of a great bath set. Gloom has done a great job shooting with Itsmecarol who has posed effortlessly well in this beautifully effective set. This is well worth a visit and dropping some love.
Mind Body and Soul by @lokia This is a debut from Lokia, and she shows oodles of potential here. This is a nice and simple set, her poses are spot on and the strip effective. I like the inclusion of the face mask to begin the set which captures the times we are living in. I will look forward to seeing Lokia's next set. Also, I've just noticed that she turned 20 yesterday, so happy birthday Lokia
Morning Stretch by @chescaaxx is a self shot set, and a brilliant job she has done of it too. The set is bright and airy, and begins with Chescaaxx feeding tea to her plants - this actually works if you need a top gardening tip. Self shot anything is difficult enough, not least of all if trying to produce enough shots to fill an SG set, but she has managed to pose perfectly throughout and capture beautiful shots well deserved of a set to turn her pink.
Sincere Suicide by @tessarame and shot by Victor Manual Ruiz Carmona This has been shot in a lovely location which they have used to very good effect and variety. Once again, some beautiful posing from her throughout the whole set and some lovely photography which has captured very pretty moments. She looks really stunning throughout, and this is a very impressive debut.
Sweet Like Sunday Morning by @luulii and shot by @ladyfirefox Another set making good use of a nice location from balcony through to bathroom. I like how casual this begins before the strip, and how this follows through the set with some really lovely shots. Luulii has a striking look which hopefully will see her through to turning pink (can we make this the one that does it?) and the set is beautifully photographed and executed from both.
That finishes another blog, hopefully won't be so long until the next one. And please go and support these hopefuls and their photographers.
@missy @rambo @yessybear @sean @eirenne