Is anyone still there?
I'm not going to blame anyone for not reading this...because I never update. In fact...I've been so busy lately...you know...avoiding updating my journal...that I havent had time to update my journal.
In one quick breath I'm going to spill everything....here goes.
So...*takes deep breath* a few weeks ago my brother told me that the Invader Zim DVD sets were about to be released so I did some research and much to my disappointment...they arent set for release until May of this year. So...I was arbitrarily searching on eBay (which I often do..and which often gets me in to trouble...of the financial kind)and I found some guy that was selling a DVD of all 45 episodes...plus some unaired ones. And although he had scanned the cover of the DVD which looks legit...I just dont see how it could be...unless its some weird ass Japanese release that he had privy to. Otherwise...it's some crap burned bootleg. I emailed him and asked him...but....I'm sure he wont respond. I guess I'll just have to wait until May. 11th. Until then I will just watch my own crap burned bootleg copies of Invader Zim instead of paying $30 for them.
So...no one pays me anymore. I'm fucking always broke now...I had been scraping by in November and then December hit and that fucking destroyed me (x-mas). I really dont understand why my clients dont feel the need to pay me. Perhaps its because I'm too fucking nice to them. You know...when I started my own business I was like "I dont want to be like the other guys...I dont want to be down peoples throats about getting their bills paid. "You need to pay me next month? Thats cool. I understand." Thats how I've been doing things since I started. I've always tried to be the guy you can call up at 11pm and be like "Hey, I need this done by tomorrow. Cool?". I just thought that if a customer was comfortable enough to say whatever they wanted around me and if they felt like they were my "buddy" that they would be more likely to pay me. But I guess I was wrong. It's apparently the complete opposite. Instead of being like "That guy is my buddy. I need to make sure I pay him this month." they are more like "That guy is my buddy. He wont mind if I fuck him over this month." But now it's just getting down to the point where I'm I have to be like "Fucking shit...I cant EAT if you dont pay me. Never mind pay my bills. If you dont pay me I cant pay for essential things like electricity and my ISP bills which allow me to keep working for you. Are you retarded? Do you think that I just get a paycheck from some big fucking company whether you pay me or not?? I'm going to have to drop your contract if you dont pay me....now. Now. NOW. NOW!!". I've never wanted to be that guy...but I just turned my first client over to a collections agency. Fanfuckingtastic. And if that doesnt work Im just going to have to get a secondor perhaps a third job until this one blows over. Or I can just send all of my contracts over to my parent company and call it quits. But the thing is that Im not really cut out for much elseA)I dont want to go work for some super-corporate design firm (as if they would ever consider hiring me anyways). B)Since I have a lot of tattoos that makes me punk/emo/metal/goth and punk/emo/metal/goth is in and hip right nowso I guess I could work at Hot Topic. Yeah. That sounds about as fun as a nice punch in the throat5 days a week. C)I could go back to the tattoo/piercing industry. As if getting in the first time wasnt hard enough. Getting back in should be a blast. Not to mention the fact that every studio that Ive ever worked in I have had to work with some of the most outrageously huge assholes that I have ever met in my life. Plus I hate dealing with people. I meanI got out for a reason. And I literally only got 1/3 of what I was owed in November and I only got lets see..$0 for December and things arent really looking up for January. Soits looking like I might be fucked. And I assure youIm not a fan of being fucked. I have my cable bill sitting in front of me right nowalong with my checking account balanceand Ive never been good at math but will $8.93 cover a $119.19 bill?? If notsend me some money. My birthday is in 2 days for christ's sake. Have a heart.
Alsono one reads or rates my shitty poetry on writing.com. Sodo it. Now.
Im done now.
I think
Imrunning.out..ofbreath..cant.seeears ringfksdhkfdvbdjb,v.jzbckjxhbksdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Is anyone still there?
I'm not going to blame anyone for not reading this...because I never update. In fact...I've been so busy lately...you know...avoiding updating my journal...that I havent had time to update my journal.
In one quick breath I'm going to spill everything....here goes.
So...*takes deep breath* a few weeks ago my brother told me that the Invader Zim DVD sets were about to be released so I did some research and much to my disappointment...they arent set for release until May of this year. So...I was arbitrarily searching on eBay (which I often do..and which often gets me in to trouble...of the financial kind)and I found some guy that was selling a DVD of all 45 episodes...plus some unaired ones. And although he had scanned the cover of the DVD which looks legit...I just dont see how it could be...unless its some weird ass Japanese release that he had privy to. Otherwise...it's some crap burned bootleg. I emailed him and asked him...but....I'm sure he wont respond. I guess I'll just have to wait until May. 11th. Until then I will just watch my own crap burned bootleg copies of Invader Zim instead of paying $30 for them.
So...no one pays me anymore. I'm fucking always broke now...I had been scraping by in November and then December hit and that fucking destroyed me (x-mas). I really dont understand why my clients dont feel the need to pay me. Perhaps its because I'm too fucking nice to them. You know...when I started my own business I was like "I dont want to be like the other guys...I dont want to be down peoples throats about getting their bills paid. "You need to pay me next month? Thats cool. I understand." Thats how I've been doing things since I started. I've always tried to be the guy you can call up at 11pm and be like "Hey, I need this done by tomorrow. Cool?". I just thought that if a customer was comfortable enough to say whatever they wanted around me and if they felt like they were my "buddy" that they would be more likely to pay me. But I guess I was wrong. It's apparently the complete opposite. Instead of being like "That guy is my buddy. I need to make sure I pay him this month." they are more like "That guy is my buddy. He wont mind if I fuck him over this month." But now it's just getting down to the point where I'm I have to be like "Fucking shit...I cant EAT if you dont pay me. Never mind pay my bills. If you dont pay me I cant pay for essential things like electricity and my ISP bills which allow me to keep working for you. Are you retarded? Do you think that I just get a paycheck from some big fucking company whether you pay me or not?? I'm going to have to drop your contract if you dont pay me....now. Now. NOW. NOW!!". I've never wanted to be that guy...but I just turned my first client over to a collections agency. Fanfuckingtastic. And if that doesnt work Im just going to have to get a secondor perhaps a third job until this one blows over. Or I can just send all of my contracts over to my parent company and call it quits. But the thing is that Im not really cut out for much elseA)I dont want to go work for some super-corporate design firm (as if they would ever consider hiring me anyways). B)Since I have a lot of tattoos that makes me punk/emo/metal/goth and punk/emo/metal/goth is in and hip right nowso I guess I could work at Hot Topic. Yeah. That sounds about as fun as a nice punch in the throat5 days a week. C)I could go back to the tattoo/piercing industry. As if getting in the first time wasnt hard enough. Getting back in should be a blast. Not to mention the fact that every studio that Ive ever worked in I have had to work with some of the most outrageously huge assholes that I have ever met in my life. Plus I hate dealing with people. I meanI got out for a reason. And I literally only got 1/3 of what I was owed in November and I only got lets see..$0 for December and things arent really looking up for January. Soits looking like I might be fucked. And I assure youIm not a fan of being fucked. I have my cable bill sitting in front of me right nowalong with my checking account balanceand Ive never been good at math but will $8.93 cover a $119.19 bill?? If notsend me some money. My birthday is in 2 days for christ's sake. Have a heart.
Alsono one reads or rates my shitty poetry on writing.com. Sodo it. Now.
Im done now.
I think
Imrunning.out..ofbreath..cant.seeears ringfksdhkfdvbdjb,v.jzbckjxhbksdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
