I exploded my right foot over the weekend. Actually Friday evening to be specific. I'm so not happy about it.

From selinia


thanks for your comment in my set dear :3

I have been a huge fan of yours since you had like 77 followers. You are gorgeous and have my full support 😉 @SELINIA
I remember you :D thanks for being by my side ♡
Sadly, most (if not all) of us judge others initially on appearance.  In both good and bad ways.  We project positive qualities on those who we are attracted to, even if they are not deserved, and project negative ones on those who do not meet our preconceived notions of beauty or conformity.  I think this is just human nature.  What you are describing happened to me often in my twenties, and there were times when I even actively encouraged it just so that others wouldn't mess with me.  I have found that the quickest way to dispel these attitudes is whenever I sensed it occurring I would simply make eye contact, nod, and smile.  That small act of engagement is usually enough to lessen any possible fear they may have and at the same time cause them to begin to reevaluate their own prejudices.  I'm not suggesting that they will suddenly see you as jovial, but it does allow you to start controlling the situation.  Just a thought.  (smile)  BTW, the only impression I personally get from viewing your photos is that I believe I would much rather have you on my side during an altercation than on my opponents.  -Kurt
Brilliantly put good sir @BLOODYMONGOOSE

From topaz_


You're the bestttt!!! Thanks for the love and support on my set. That's so awesome that it's your new favorite. :)

OMG rightttt 
So very right!

if you "follow" me, and, and then "unfollow"??? me AS SOON As I follow you back... I'm going to "unfollow"?? You with a VENGEANCE!! Lol
